Why the Steemit Network is like Mycelium

in #steemit7 years ago


Mycelium is the fungal network that connects terrestrial ecosystems, essentially making life possible.

Many people have long compared this to the internet, but with the invention of blockchain technology and decentralized social media platforms, this is even more true.

Through this expansive and adaptive network, information, water and nutrients are shared. I liken this to Steemit, as the network mimics similar design in the numerous pathways of moving and sharing resources & information and the thriving mutually beneficial and enhanced synergistic relationships.

Since being introduced to the wondrous world of fungi, I have explored, been blown away and grown in my relationship to fungi. Whether it’s eating, inoculating, growing, etc: my fungal relationship seems to flow in waves, more active sometimes than others. Just recently, I listened to a podcast (Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan Experience) that reminded me and re-inspired me to relate more deeply to fungi, and prompted this post.

Paul Stamets may be the most influential human alive (or ever) to further the human fungal relationship for the good of the whole. If you’re not familiar, read his books, visit fungi.com, watch his TED talks and inoculate yourself in his work- you won’t regret it!

How Fungi and Steemit are similar

Fungi grow by spreading and creating mycelial networks. The mushrooms are actually just the fruiting bodies of these extensive networks. They expand and connect underground in the most intelligent and efficient manner possible. So much so that researchers saw mold (a type of fungi) map the Tokyo subway system more efficiently than humans had designed it. Mold made the most connections with the least effort.

image of Tokyo subway mapped by mycelium

Fungi is most certainly intelligent!

Pathways are built through this series of connected cells, allowing for communication over large areas. Mycelial networks have been liked to the Internet, instantly sharing information over large distances.

Steemit is using the Internet as a fungal network of sorts…

allowing great amounts of information and resources to be shared with mutual benefits & synergy. Why Steemit is even is more akin to mycelia in nature than the internet though is that there is profit and energy uptake as a boon of the network.

This is revolutionary because like fungi, the health of one organism supports the health of the whole. The greater the network is, the more potential for connection and wealth (be it organic matter or humans benefiting from the rising price of steem).

Building Pathways

Certain fungi can promote neuro-genesis (creation of neural connections) in humans when we consume them. This is literally changing the way our brains work and there is research being conducted to test efficacy of certain fungi as medicine for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Steemit is also shifting the way humans interact and engage, and what pathways of communication are used. New content is created, connections created and ultimately more communication and sharing between those in the network. Steemit is for many of us shifting the way we interface on the Internet and even how we relate to our income. Truly I have never seen such a lucrative opportunity on social media. Let’s spread it!

Let’s grow in resilience by building more Steem and allying with fungi!


Hey @mountainjewel. I saw Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan Experience as well and was completely blown aways from what he was explaining. I had never heard of Paul Stamets before, but was well aware of the fungal networks living amongst us from my PDC I had finished arounf the end of last year. Stamets is a true genius and a pure soul!

He certainly is, and from a friend who attended a course of his, he’s very humble too. So much to learn and many ways to ally with fungi. His book mycelium running will continue to blow you away. Good to find another permaculture lover- following you!

O how I would love to attend a Paul Stamets course. I didn't even know he gave courses. But I might start by reading "Mycelium Running".

thank for info

upvote may post

I love this comparison. Thank you for posting. It is fascinating to me how the new computer systems are mimicking systems found in nature.

You’re welcome! Right it is so amazing / the comparisons. Mimicking nature is good for us ;) that’s why I love #permaculture

The fake news most faster than fungi and steemit . Lol

Mmmmmm mycelium!! I can’t wait to the the mushroom!

Waiting for fungi to fruit is always worthwhile!