
welcome to steemit and more success. Great video

Thanks for tutorial, and please do more. I followed you fine, with your British accent. We yanks say Ass, didn't catch what you call it. Maybe if you spelled it for me/us. I'll keep my eye on your blog and may learn a thing or two

Haha he said Ass lol toilet humor now I know who I'm talking too.
We Brits say Arse it should sound like Farce with the emphasis on the ars lol
Thanks for great comment.

Is arse a word in your English dictionary? Our dictionary has ass with 2 meanings, anyway when we have a one world government we'll all be speaking french.

Of course. It's in the vernacular.
Noun: A persons buttocks or anus.
Verb: Act stupidly = to arse about.

Bon nuit lol

YOU SAY BANANAS, I say Bananas.

Oh good you read the white paper 4 times. I think I read it 2 times. I kind of understand it. I better read it a couple more times. Thanks for your information.

It gets clearer by the third reading and crystal clear on the forth lol.
It really is a fascinating read but I had to have complete peace and quiet to finally 'get it' lol
I just turned everything off and focused for a couple if hours.
Well worth the read. Thanks David.

The nice thing on Steemit is I can help, gift or upvote you, which rewards you but costs me nothing!! IOW you dont need tips that cost the other person.

Thanks exactly it. People need to know that upvoting good posts and comments is the right thing to do and actually benefits both parties.

A convincing video for people to check out steemit. Straight ahead, informative and humorous too. Good job @molometer.

Thanks Bilpob almost everybody who looks into joining steemit comes across these two myths somewhere in the web. I thought it a good idea to get the facts out there as well. I've posted all over the web so hopefully it will counter the negative nellies lol Thanks for the warm comments.

You are welcome @molometer. Myth busting is a good thing.

I hate my hearing. My computer isn't loud enough for me to hear and understand what you're saying. Believe me, when we visited Scotland... My husband made fun of me because... I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH. Hahaha. In any case, know that I watched and I kind of got like 2% and I apologize and the problem is mine. :( Do they have a transcribing sort of service??


Haha I was just about to say that I slaved over those closed captions for hours today but you figured it out yippe! Lol

Is that really how that works? You have to do it yourself?!

Yep if you leave YouTube to do it. It chucks out gibberish lol

Yeah, youtube can't make out Canadian accents, to weird, lol!

ASS! EEEEEYAAAHHHH Hahah You got me good with that one. Especially you laughing at yourself. Got me LOLing! Promise!

ALSO. If you're interested, I'd love for you to join me here. I blogged about this little community a few days ago. And I would love to see you there. The join link is in the bottom of my post.

That's a great Ass don't ya think. So cute and so tiny little thing?...wait you didn't think I was talking about the other one? haha. Glad it gave you the giggles. ;)

It was quite adorable! Hahah

Thanks for the invite. I'll check it out.

Hope you know I wasn't trying to advertise and would really like you to join!

Thanks for that. I will take a gander over there.

Good job thanks - I am following for more of these cool videos. I waded in at the deep end myself but seem to be making slow progress at least - and it is fun - have a great steemy day @molometer ( great name)

Thanks Sallybeth, glad you found it helpful. There is a lot of ill informed people on the web lol

Molometer, bravo, bravo, bravo! I really enjoyed your video post and thought you did an exceptional job of explaining Steemit. It will be very helpful to people who want to learn about the Steemit program, the pitfalls, the myths, etc. I have to confess, I never read the paper work.....I usually have my daughter do it and then explain it to me. If I were to read it, it would probably take me 25 times to comprehend. I am so glad that you found Steemit. It has been a pleasure reading your posts!

It's a great place to be. Wonderful positive people with a vision. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. It was fun to make. I couldn't stop laughing about the little ass lol.