The road to success : A memory inside a memory (Chapter 2 : Remember the precious ).

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Previous Chapter : The road to success : A memory inside a memory (Chapter 2).

I start this chapter with the 5th September 2k16 : I like the rain, I really like it and I like the cold weather too, they say that I'm cold ( I can't be nervous ) because always when someone try to pick a fight with me I don't care and I don't even look at him, not because I'm scared but my rules impose not to be in trouble !. I'm in the university now, and I have the longest course today, I will study  Microeconomics for 3 hours and 30 mins, what a long course ! Damn !. It's very logical that my mind won't focus for 3 hours in something I don't like, but let's try to learn something.

Being in a hall like this makes me laugh, because every time I see the professor down in the stage I think that he's joking not teaching us. " I'm a developer guys why am I studying economics ? " I asked two of my friends, one of them always gives the best answers so he replied me after a little long time : " Can you sell me something ? " I didn't understand : " I don't know what you want me to sell .. " he replied : " then shut up and learn something you still don't know it because you'll need it to sell what you know ! you stupid ! Can I kick you ? "  I laughed of his reaction of course but in the bottom of my heart I knew that I have the best people around me and I don't have to worry. I didn't start to like economics after my friend's answer, but maybe I remembered something about the road to success.

Even if I was maybe with no feelings but I always hated this sentence : " I can't understand you " or " you can't be understood ". A few months after 6 hours of thinking, I was making good results in my life, building projects and earning money in 16 years old was a great step for me. I worked hard and maybe forgot about my studies because the code started to rise my intellect and Algorithms made my thoughts change, even when I try to say a joke I can't because it can't be understood buy the others. I was happy seeing myself changing but in the bottom of my heart I wasn't like that of course, you may say why ? I will answer you : I started to lose people or maybe the people I love started to get far away from me ! You think that those people are my family but no, I don't care about my family, I mean if I keep my mind busy with my family I'll lose more time.

The problem that day is that I started to feel alone more and more, sometimes I thought that those people are just the fake ones and they won't stay with me till the end and support me but I was wrong. Losing people in your life can be a problem but not all the time, if you are a good one you suppose that the problem is coming from you, you always try to correct yourself before the others then you start searching the wrong thing about you and what is making people leaving you, when you find it you change it and the problem is solved. The problem with me when I was 16 is that I searched the wrong thing not in my behavior but in the other's one, I was always saying why people are leaving me what's the deal with them ? I didn't care because I thought that I was right all the time.

TO BE CONTINUED :) ( Thank you for your comments and upvotes )