Top 3 Featured Newcomers of the Day - 6.26.2022
Hello Steemit Users !!
I'm an investor and a Cryptocurrency Trader on this platform. Today I will bring the Top 3 Newcomers who have submitted their Achievement 1 post in the Newcomers Community.
Topic - Achievement 1 || Introduce My Self by @uryriana
Author - @nuryriana

Image Taken from the Author
ssalamualaikum sahabat stemian.
Perkenalkan Saya Nuriana dengan akun @ nuryriana. Saya berasal dari Aceh, tepatnya di Desa Gunong Meulinteung Kecamatan Panga Kabupaten Aceh Jaya.
Saya bekerja di SMK Negeri 1 Panga sebagai Operator Sekolah. Selain bekerja di sekolah formal, saat ini saya juga sedang mengelola dan mengembangkan sekolah Non Formal yaitu Lembaga Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) Aneuk Meuh Jaya yang tidak jauh dari rumah.
Saya memang bukan pendatang baru lagi di dunia steemit. Saya sudah bergabung sejak 2018 lalu. Awalnya dikenalkan oleh @ yarmendinamika pada saat pembukaan FAMe Chapter Aceh Jaya di Calang. Selanjutnya saya dipandu oleh @ daentepi. Perawat RSUD Teuku Umar itu membimbing dan mengarahkan saya dengan sangat baik, mulai dari mendaftar, mendapatkan password hingga bagaimana memosting tulisan yang rapi dan estetik. Saya pernah merasa cukup nyaman menggunakan platform ini. Bagaimana tidak, selain menghasilkan dolar, saya juga dipertemukan dengan teman teman yang menyenangkan dan se-ferekuensi. Kami sering berbalas komentar, tak jarang saling berbalas puisi atau prosa antara satu sama lain yang dibungkus rapi menjadi sebuah konten/postingan. 😂
Namun ketika harga dollar SBD anjlok, perlahan kami mulai meninggalkan Steemit. satu per satu teman saya mulai pergi. Hingga akhirnya saya sendiri pun tidak lagi memiliki alasan untuk bertahan sendiri.
Kemarin, Rabu 25 Mei 2022 salah satu teman saya @ misbah95 kembali mempromosikan steem. Pikiran saya langsung terlempar pada 3 tahun lalu, masa di mana saya begitu giat berselancar dan mengenal banyak stemian. Saya mulai tertarik lagi untuk kembali ke dunia steemit. Apalagi kembali mendapati teman-teman yang se-ferekuensi. Sekarang bukan lagi tentang uang tapi tentang kerinduan menulis tanpa beban. Saya rindu dengan kehangatan teman teman stemian. Selama saya meninggalkan steemit saya sudah sangat jarang menulis, bahkan sekedar menulis berita saja saya tidak lagi melakukannya. Saat ini saya sadar, saya harus kembali memulainya. Saya harus kembali menjadi diri saya 3 tahun lalu. saya pikir platform ini akan menjadi salah satu jembatan untuk melatih diri saya untuk kembali menulis, lagi, lagi dan lagi. Semoga Istiqomah.
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Topic - Achievement 1 post by @e-ilomilo; introduction of myself
Author - @e-lomilo

Image Taken from the Author
Hi friends, I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful platform. My name is Oyinlola Precious Ilo, I am Yoruba by tribe from Ogun State although I was born in Benin city Edo state Nigeria. I am 19 years and Currently a 100level student of University of Benin in Edo state. I am Dark in complexion and average in height. I am Single, I also have 2 Sisters and 2 Brothers and I am the last born. I love my Siblings so Much
I have 2 academic goals to achieve,
I am currently achieving the goal of having a Bachelor's degree in Crop Science because I love Agriculture generally and I hope to be among the people that will put an end to Starvation in the world starting with Africa and then Worldwide, I also hope I can encourage other people not to look down on agriculture but instead be bold of studying it because one of living organisms basic necessities is FOOD and Agriculture plays a major role in keeping us healthy and energetic.
Secondly, I hope to travel abroad after my first degree and study Mental Health Nursing Because Nobody deserves to go through mental illness and I hope I can help as many people as possible to recover from it.
Apart from School, I also help my Mother in her Provision shop.
Traveling, trying new things, watching films, Going through social media and checking news on Cryptocurrency
I dislike dishonesty and betrayal
I'll like posts about lifestyle Animals Plants culture finances just basically Important educative and fun posts.
I'll create post that has to do with health, Food Agriculture and lifestyle.
I got to know this platform through My friend @ lovveday ; although I am inexperienced but as time goes on I hope to learn more about it , and to invite others to join the group.
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Author - @claryz

Image Taken from the Author
Hi there, I am super excited to be here and being here in this online community means a lot to me.
I'm Ebele, but you can call me Claryz. I'm an easy going person because I don't have toes any more that people can step on. I am a teachable person and a fast learner.
I hail from Ukpo in Dunukofia Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. We are 5 in my sweet family, my mum, my two elder sisters (VENZA and LAMBORGHINI), me (MMANUANWU meaning Honey) and my immediate younger sister ( GBAZA GBAZA). My mum is a pensioneer. VENZA and GBAZA GBAZA are entrepreneurs. LAMBORGHINI works at Nigeria Brewery, Lagos. What a lovely family? Imagine having only sisters around you.......
I had my university degree in Computer Science from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, and Digital marketing from Side Hustle. I got my O' Level certificate from Akunne Oniah Memorial Secondary School and my First School Leaving Certificate from All Saints Primary School both in Onitsha, Anambra State.
I'm a serial entrepreneur. If you’re someone who likes to be in control, this is the career for you. Not only being my own BOSS, it has helped me to grow and development myself. My boss will always say "if you can't manage depression, entrepreneurship isn't for you ".
I'm also do mini importation and the name of my brand is Claryz Collection.
I'm also an assistant marketing manager in Apex Technologies. This actually helps me to interact with alot of different kinds of people and in managing them. I can tell you human beings are very difficult to manage.
I'm also a food vendor and a philanthropist. Yah, I love helping people either in gifts or in words or in kind. Hay! Not that type of in kind you are just thinking right now. Please come back.
I have a little experience in graphic designs. I have designed alot of graphics using canva and pisart. I also make videos using inshot.
I love making friends with responsible people who has something to offer especially intellectually and morally. When I have time, I usually surf the Internet.
I love mingling with business minded people because I always learn alot when they talk about their stories.
I love relationship and life so most of my contents will be mainly from these niches.
I love reading and watching movies, especially Kdramas, Cdramas, action, tech and adventure movies.
I love travelling because travelling is another teacher on its own.
I also love baking cakes too.
Cake baked by me.
I love Food. Yes, I do. In fact, who doesn't love food and I can cook too. You know what I meant? Not cooking what only I can eat. You gaarit.
I love to listen to gospel music. When I have time, I usually sing and dance.
I was checking up on a friend of mine two days ago, asking her what's up with her since most universities are currently on strike in Nigeria. We got into a long conversation which led to Steemit. That was how I got to know about Steemit. You guys should really join me to say a warm thank you @ wealthmary for introducing me to Steemit and @ focusnow for registering me. Thank guys for your support and mentorship. You guys are really amazing personalities.
Actually, my main purpose of joining steemit is to learn and improve my skills. I believe that I can find people whose believe in what I believe, people who share the same interest or thought with me. I feel that steemit is a place where we can access wisdom and grow together buy sharing interesting knowledge. We can receive and in turn provide helpful information which can come in form of encouragement or advice when needed.
I believe we still have alot of time to spend in this platform. But before I close this post, I want to remind you that you have a super power inside of you and you are created for a purpose. You deserve to be successful and to express all your hiden talents. Just believe in yourself and be open to new positive ideas. In conclusive, Never Give Up on Yourself. Keep pushing, it's might not happen immediately but one day you will push into your breakthrough.
I really want to say a big thank you to Ned Scott for creating this platform and a loud shout to the steemit managerial teams. You guys are doing amazing work here. I wouldn't have met this amazing personalities in this platform if not for you guys. Thank you so much for making this platform worth it.
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I warmly Welcome all the above-mentioned Newcomers who have already submitted their introduction posts in this community.
Regards - minvestor
Thank you very much
Congratulations @minvestor
This is the most positive post amongst

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