TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter

in #steemit2 years ago



Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.

Image Taken from the Original Author

I don't know whether or not this is something that is specific to creative types of people, but I periodically go through these periods where I just feel completely fuzzy-headed and like my brain is moving through a fog.

Whereas we often talk about the "natural cycles" of life, whether that be seasons or our personal biorhythms or something else, the slightly disturbing thing about my off-times is that I can never tell in advance when or why they are going to happen... nor for how long I will feel largely "out of commission."

This last one has been particularly long and "deep," and for no particular reason it seems to have overlapped substantially with the start of the ongoing storm in the cryptosphere.

As I said, there's no actual "causal correlation" there.

Slight Improvements...

Yesterday was really the first day in some two weeks that I didn't feel like a turtle swimming through honey, and I actually managed to undertake something mildly productive... like cleaning my office, and organizing the shipping table I use to pack items I have sold on eBay to ship to customers.

To some degree, I suppose our particularly lousy spring weather is also playing a part. This is the time of the year when we are normally getting super active planting our kitchen garden and being excited about all the things we are doing outside... but so far, this May has offered up rain on 15 of the first 16 days, and temperatures a good 5-6 degrees below normal.

Our poor tomato plants seem more inclined to rot than to grow and bear fruit!

Anyway, I'm just hoping my state of mind will start getting a bit "clearer" as we move on forward... because I really don't enjoy feeling like this.

And no, I'm not actually ill, or anything like that...
Not at ALL Related...

I noticed the "haircut rule" has come into effect here in the world of Steemit... meaning that liquid rewards are no longer being paid in SBD, but in STEEM. It happens, every now and then, usually following extremely steep price declines like we recently had. I don't remember the technical specifics that trigger it...

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to become a bit more active again... as the fog in my brain continues to lift (hopefully!).

Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your week!

How about YOU? Do you feel like your creativity — and life energy — wanes and waxes? Or are you typically pretty stable? What do you think causes such fluctuations? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! Read More


Image Taken from the Original Author

Gymnopilus Luteofolius Mushroom

Before I take a break, I'd like to show you the Gymnopilus Luteofolius Mushroom with a different color, as in my promise in the previous post, this is the fact that this type of fungus can make it very difficult for us to determine the name, with other types of mushrooms, yes... you can notice, when we find the same time and time, then this type of mushroom, will continue to change its color, until it becomes an orange color of a different color than before.

indeed, this type of mushroom has a slightly more fungal place than the mushrooms that I found before, however, this type of fungus, in its growth, shows a slightly further color difference, this difficulty is what I talked about in the previous post, so I must give an explanation along from the findings of this type of mushroom, to all of you, so that you can understand better, that this type of mushroom will have a different color change, with almost the same shape.

below, of course all of you can see it clearly, examples of color changes in mushrooms that I found:

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Image Taken from the Original Author

I have learned through my years many things, cooking, sewing, ironing, how to work, but if I am learning something important in the last 2 years is how to work with social networks, especially with steemit, with steemit I have learned to write more, to read more and a little English, besides being more creative when writing my anecdotes, and not only that, also with other social networks like YouTube, with videos and my daughter who is teaching me to edit both videos and photos, with videos and my daughter who is teaching me to edit both videos and photos and well little by little I am learning, of course there is a saying in Venezuela that "old parrot does not learn to speak" but that turns out to be a lie.

Here on # steemit I am learning new and rewarding things, I believe that in the world people can and have the right to learn something a trade a career whatever it is that helps us to be more productive for society, not only schools and universities teach us or books there are things or people in the world that can teach us or be our teachers and the truth is my daughter is my teacher my mentor in this new company called cyberspace with which we all work, we can not be better if we do not learn from something or someone you have to be virtuous today to learn something, if life has not taught us anything it is to never stop learning because there is always an opportunity to get ahead but how to do it if we do not know how to do anything, God has a purpose for everyone but it is our duty to learn something so that this purpose can be realized in our life do not you believe, I do believe it so much that when my daughter started working with cyberspace I thought I would not make money and in the end now I with the help of my daughter I am making money see the twists and turns that life gives.

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Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.

Have a Nice Day !!!


Muchas gracias, me siento honrada.