TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter
Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.
Topic - Business Activity| See why you should venture into Keke business. @sirpchannel.
Author - @sirpchannel

Image Taken from the Original Author
You are warmly welcome my beautiful steemians, good to have you here today. I hope your today's hustle went successful. I know if am to ask you the kind of business you will want to invest your capital on, you may not even remember to mention Keke as a lucrative business. But let me surprise you, at the end of this publication you will want to speedily venture into Keke business as just discovered most common business one can do.
Keke Napep
Keke is a means of transportation developed to carry three passengers at the back with driver at the front sit. It has three tyres, two at the back and one at the front with roof covers with tarpaulin. It is mainly designed for a commercial purposes. It has an advantages and disadvantages, as you are reading down you will know how much Keke business can generate in a day.
Advantages of KEKE
KEKE have many advantages.
Keke can be drive in any condition of track road, the body of Keke is iron and it doesn't have front plastic bomber like car, so it can drive on a farm road even in the bush.
It carries less passengers, so one will not waste time waiting for it to load.
If can drive under rain. The top and it sides is covered with tarpaulin.
It is very cheap in terms of transport fare and even the purchasing amount unlike a car.
It is very easy to maintain since the parts are not expensive.
Disadvantages of KEKE
The disadvantages of KEKE are not much compare to the merits. The following are some of the disadvantages.
It cannot go long kilometres as compare to a car
Since the sides is covered with tarpaulin, rain can easily enter through the open gaps.
It doesn't speed like a car since it has only four gear.
It is risky to drive on a highway as it has only three tyres. The wave or wind balance is not guarantee.
How lucrative is Keke Business
Taking a case study in my area, Uyo. Akwa Ibom State. Nigeria. A brand new KEKE is sold at the rate of ₦1,200,000. (6,666.67 Steem) In transporting, no matter how close is the distance, the Keke driver charges ₦100-150 (1 steem). Adding that by the numbers of people he carry per turn, that will be 150x3 = ₦450 (3 steem). That is just in one turn of about 15minutes. Therefore in one hour he will go 4 turns. Calculating ₦450 x 4 = ₦1800 (12 steem). He just make that amount in one hour, then if he can drive for 12 hours, that will be 1800x12 = ₦21,600 (144 steem per day). If you want to go further to calculate in a week excluding Sundays. We have 21600 x 6 = ₦129,600 (864 steem per week). For one month you calculate 129600 x 4 = 518400 (3,456 steem per month).
From our calculations, the young man that drive Keke make 3,456 Steem in just one Month. Is that not lucrative? Of courseit is it.
Having gone through that simple calculation above, with the amazing results. It can be concluded that KEKE Business is a real lucrative business. You can contact @ sirpchannel to purchase your Keke, for the one you are seeing in the picture above is fairly used and is for sale at the rate of ₦100,000 only (666.67 Steem). For more information see the table below.
Topic - Business Activities|| Opportunity from SWOT Analysis.
Author - @weasell

Image Taken from the Original Author
Identifying opportunities can come through several ways. In my previous post I talked about stages and types of opportunity identification. While an entrepreneur is having his or her self-assessment in the following term of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats which is widely accepted as SWOT.
Analyzing SWOT is a useful self-appraisal system which allow you to know your strengths and weaknesses which can be used to establish your business or let you develop your business by taking advantage of your abilities, opportunities and talents. This also help to understand, identify and underline the opportunities open to you and very importantly threats you are likely to encounter.
SWOT analysis was first created in 1960s by Albert S Humphrey and up till today it is still use as a simple start for strategy articulation or sometimes use as a vital strategy instrument. In order to use SWOT analysis, you should first understand that strengths and weaknesses are within your organization while opportunities and threats are due to external factors. So we can describe SWOT analysis as both internal and external analysis. Now let look at each of these term separately.
Your strengths should generally be from both an internal position, and also from the customer’s judgment and others in the market. You have to be realistic and outline your company’s feature or the project team of business which gives you an advantage over others competition in the market. While studying your strength you should always have your competitors at the back of your mind.
An example of strength is when you competitors produce a good product but packaging quality is poor while producing the same product you can work on making your packaging quality better this can be identify as your strength. However, you should be mindful of the cost in production while trying to improve your product quality, the cost should be reasonable or else it will be seen as a weakness.
These are you limitations that characteristically place you or your entire team at a disadvantage when you are comparing with your competitors. You should be aware of your own weaknesses than anyone else. You can found out more about your weaknesses by observing how other in the same marker line are manufacturing their product and ask yourself some honest question and by answering these questions you will be able to discover your weaknesses.
Just like your strength, your weaknesses should be considered from both internal and external pedestal. After you have identify your weaknesses you should try and adjust to correct some of these disadvantages.
These are external chances for completing the goals and objectives of the venture. These sort of objectives may happen in order to improve productions for better profits from your production or to start up a new business from emergence to survival. When looking for new opportunity in the market this can be done by focusing on your strength and you can also look up your weaknesses to. Some opportunity may open due to connections and affiliations in someone political group, religious, family especially inheritance and experience gain as an entrepreneur.
This is the external factors which is usually beyond the control of the entrepreneur or person in the market environment that could cause serious danger to the business for reaching it potential. These external factors may include unpleasant environment, technological upgrade in the industry and new government regulations.
Topic - Using The Internet Technology For Effective Marketing Of Your Products & Services.
Author - @pocoloco01

Image Taken from the Original Author
I had a conversation with a friend's grandmother a few days ago when I gave them a visit. During the conversation, something drove me to ask the woman, who is in her early 80's, about how items were sold when she was a kid. To my amazement, she told me that the first tactic she used was "word-of-mouth." The response surprised me, and for a few moments, I wondered how limiting marketing was in that era, because utilizing that way almost certainly indicates that marketing will not reach the desired consumer base rapidly. I then fastforwarded to this period of technical breakthroughs, where I noticed how technology has aided in the marketing and promotion, in no small way.
We all know that marketing is an important component of any business since it allows you to notify your customers that you have a product or service that will benefit them and gain their attention. So you'd be correct in assuming that any product's progress is mostly determined by its level of exposure, which is achieved through proper marketing. Your product or service will not sell itself, even if it is of outstanding quality. Of course, without marketing, how can buyers know that the product exists?
Because of technological advancements, marketing has been much simplified in this period. You'll agree with me that the world is rapidly shifting away from offline modes and toward online ones. This may also explain why so many people are attached to their smartphones and computers on a daily basis. The reality is that individuals (such as your targeted consumers) now spend the majority of their time online, it will be very prudent and beneficial to your business/service to take your marketing methods to them online.
A friend of mine who works in clothing delivery told me a few days ago that the majority of her customers come from her internet advertisements. This is only to let you know that digital technology has improved marketing.
When it comes to marketing with technology, this generation has provided us with a plethora of options. Take, for example, social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp status); many individuals have used it to reach potential customers from the comfort of their own gadgets. By effectively utilizing your own followers and contacts, you can get this for free. I've a friend who deal with phones and accessories, he got his customers from the WhatsApp Tv and groups.
Aside from social media, there are broadcasting technology that can be used to promote one's products and services. Radio and television stations are examples. Those who watched the 2022 African Cup of Nations (AFCON2022) may notice that a Binance advertisement was shown repeatedly throughout the match. This was a paid advertisement that resulted in more people learning about Binance and the wider crypto world.
Consider the following facts to understand the power of an internet technology: the world's largest taxi hailing business (Uber) was established entirely online and does not own any taxis. The largest supermarket in Nigeria (Jumia) is only available online and does not sell its own goods. The list is extensive. One of their most notable features is that they function practically online, utilizing numerous technological components. As you can see, the advantages of technology are felt strongly in the sphere of marketing, and as a businessperson, you should take use of them as well.
Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.