HF 20. The hero we deserve

in #steemit6 years ago

I see nothing but hate for the new HF, and little objectivity.

HF20 has brougt big changes to the platform, they see to address a very real and troubling problem that plauges the platform. The massive spam and theft of resources by bots for profit.

HF 20 addresses these bots in 2 ways. By battling self voting and limiting a users ability to spam.

Yes, I agree the changes may be limiting. But thats the point, and it is for a very good reason.

I see many comparing steemit to other platforms. Saying that if twitter did this, or fb, etc.. Well steemit is very different than these platforms unique unto itself. And I find it disengenuous to even make the comparision.

Well thats what I wanted to say today.

PS first post back in a few months and am very happy to be back HF or not




you make it seem as if I cant create spam or bot accounts because of mana? I'm pretty sure thats, not the case.

just because it has some level of expense to it does not mean they stopped it from happening...

self voting can be done by simply having a secondary account that trails your posts or comments and votes for them.

nothing was solved by this... it just made the problem form differently.

That may very well be, but this is an address to these real problems. I'm not sure, like you, if this will have any real effect in curbing bot spam but won't time tell very shortly?