Thinking Steem

in #steemit7 years ago

So @Colossus39 one of my closest friends and brother from another introduces me to the world of steemit.


Like most people I was very slow with responding to change, I attempted to join via the steemit App. That did not run smooth at all, in fact it was a complete fail, which turned my attention back to everyday life, and my life consist of people trying to punch, kick, submit and slam me on my head, So Steemit was so far in the back of my mind.

@colossus39 being the person that he is, persisted as he wants to share this with everyone that he cares about, he was blown away with the concept and his energy directly reflected that when talking about Steemit.

Energy is contagious which he passed onto me, inspiring me to give a seemingly unrealistic, black mirror type social platform another chance this time I went online to signed up.

Within a couple days and with alittle bit more help from my brother @colossus39 SUCCESS!!!! I was on Steemit........

But.......Now what the fuck do I do.

This program runs like Windows 98 bringing me back to my childhood days only now I'm so far in the future, navigating through this program felt difficult, if only I was 12 again id be bossing this shit.

'Impatients' is a word that I refer to the youth of today, everything is there for them at the touch of a button, very few brain cells are used for much these days.

I refused to contradict myself and be equally as impatient, let's go old school and do some research, ask questions and make it work.

Mind blown !!!!


Now I'm on the same page as my boy I completely understand his excitement. Then all the annoying questions hit you being the pathetic human I am.
"Why didn't I do this earlier?"
"If I started before where would I be" etc
Now that's out the way, i realise nothing can be changed and im sure that things happen for a reason.

Now I'm truly ready to rock and roll with Steemit

Posting a few things and re-steeming to get an idea of the program and how to navigate through left me more excited about the program.


I'm on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and I hate them all but being in the position that I am I'm constantly encouraged to persist with it.
But Steemit is definitely the first thing I've had an instant positive response to.

Meeting @nanzo-scoop

This excitement only grew when I was introduced to the main man @nanzo-scoop 'What a lovley man!!!!' easy to talk to and very helpful.
He basically added electricity to a thunder bolt. Im apart of this community and excited to learn more and then spread the word.


So the general concept is similar to other blogging websites or social news websites like Reddit, but the text content is saved in a blockchain. Using a blockchain enables rewarding comments and posts with secure tokens of value. Images can be uploaded and hosted on Steemit similar to Facebook.

User accounts can upvote posts and comments, and the authors who get upvoted can receive a monetary reward in a cryptocurrency token named STEEM and US dollar-pegged tokens called Steem Dollars. An up vote is the eqivelent to a (like) on Facebook.

Steemit has a reputation system, where new accounts start with a reputation of 25. An account's received votes can influence its reputation up and down, incentivizing online etiquette and interaction with the community.

From what I've seen this system encourages positive comments and thoughtful interactions something I'm definitely not used to seeing just look under any of my YouTube videos.


I've still got alot to learn and want to get a better understanding before I start converting my supporters in the combat world, as I want to be able to not only draw attention to steemit but also guide people once there here.

So to round off I'm excited by this platform Steemit and by the community its building. It's also massively built up my interest in crypto currency and I just look forward to where this new road takes me 20171125_155718.jpg


So great to have you on board!

Steemit is def worth being excited about! It has potential to be truly revolutionary and you are going to help add fuel to that for sure!

So awesome you met @nanzo-scoop he's a great guy. I got to hang with him a few times in Portugal at SteemFest! Hopefully you will make it there next year.

Great to see you excited about and sharing Steemit!

Will keep following you for your progress here and in the ring!


I love your title and this first image and I find it so awesome to have you here on Steem and to see you so stoked about it and posting almost everyday! And I see that you've putted time in your post too! I'll post about it on my Twitter and Facebook!

If you've never read it, I recommend you take a look at a post I wrote about Dan Larimer the main inventor of Steem. He's no longer working on the project.

My post is 80% quotes from Dan with sources to the quotes.

He's one of the most inspiring person I've ever known.

Going forward I hope to leverage the work here with Steem to build markets, insurance, mutual-aid societies, and justice systems that empower our community to disempower government. I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. Through blockchain technology we can organize ourselves and hopefully achieve our liberty.

Only by working together can we maximize the life, liberty, and property for all. Resorting to violence is a shortcut that can only destroy life, liberty and property. I am honored that so many of you are here and helping me realize this dream. @dantheman @dan

Here's a link to the post:

Hay I also do thank @colossus39 because he is one who brings you over here Nd as you said now you enjoyed it ......

Respects @funatoz I have know Mike for a very long time and I knew it would be his thing! His energy for this has sent my levels up an extra 39% ;)

Glad to read that you are having such a positive experience here, Michael. Many people get initially very excited about Steemit but then their enthusiasm fizzles out quickly, so it's great that you persevered and decided to be patient and learn more, which is the key to be successful here on the long term.

From what I've seen so far, you are an asset to the Steemit community not only because of your unique insight into the exciting world of MMA and being a professional fighter, but also because you are capable of writing very entertaining, interesting and engaging posts, so keep them coming! Cheers!

Welcome to steemit, hope you continue to have fun with us.

I'm glad you are here on Steemit! Besides being a fan, it's a great step for Steemit to attract a mainstream MMA fighter to the platform. Eventually, everyone could be here, but the first few who show up are special. It shows that you had people like @colossus39 and @nanzo-scoop to help get you here, which isn't always easy at the moment. It will also give you an advantage as an early adopter.

Social media combined with digital currency is going to change the way social media works. It will change the way marketing yourself and your brand works. You can literally sell anything right through the platform with the built in payment system. It would be great to see a webinar from a fighter like you, done through live-streaming or Google hangouts, where you charge in STEEM.

I also noticed that another Bellator fighter is really into bitcoin. Maybe you'll have some company on here soon! It would be pretty rad to see Ariel here as well.

Steemit can be very useful for MMA, BJJ, and martial arts in general. We know the grind that fighters, students, instructors, and academies go through to be successful. It's a hard life, and Steemit may be a very good way to help some of these fighters financially!

Currently mma, bjj, and martial arts content make up a very tiny fraction of daily payouts. But this can change quite a bit as more mainstream stars from the community join Steemit. It can bring a lot of attention to this type of content that already does so well on traditional social media.

Thanks for giving Steemit a chance and for taking the time to share your life with us here!

I am very happy to hear that your first weeks on Steemit have been so bright @michaelvenompage. :c)

This is definitely the sort of platform where knowing the right persons will greatly help you elevate through the ranks. Good on you and continue to deliver great content always. :c)

I would recommend cultivating your follower-base. This will involve a moment to step back and take stock of your relationship with Steemit as it is now - and your relationship as you would like it to be.

Clearly MMA is your niche but you will need to decide whether you want that to be your exclusive niche. Identify a couple of secondaries that you 'could' delve into (no need to do so now - but keep it in mind).

You might even want to consider setting up a second account 'specifically' for the intended audience of such.

It is one present limitation of Steemit - one cannot subscribe to just 'part' of a person's output (and when you have two or more niches that don't really compliment each other (such as I do myself), well that can be an annoyance to followers at times - and you cannot truly know why your follower base is actually following you).

As your active follower base grows you will find that your payouts become less dependent upon the good graces of gatekeeper members and while it will always be nice to be in their good graces - its simply nice to also be able to stand on your own two feet and climb those steps in the same way you appreciate every fight more when your opponent gives you his all.

Oh wow. This place is blowing up. Hey, tell me one thing. Do you and your team gameplan for your fights? The reason I ask is because the crazy way you fight, it seems like you are just freestyling. But maybe there is a disciplined method behind the chaos?!

Well I wish I knew more about cryptocurrency. It confuses me and I'm so bummed that I'm missing out on buying some.

Not bad. Welcome aboard! Enjoyed.