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RE: Does Steemit Model really Support Equality? Steem Power Needs to be Revamped

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks....yea...many of these so called Steem Power Whales are out of control. If you build up your articles, following and reputation, I have first hand seen in 12 hours flat how they can push your rating from 50 to 5, and slam your name, slander you, and yes, they are calling people "cunts" all over the place when they do not agree with something you write. This clearly causes quality people to leave Steemit. I copied the founders in my article. However, if they do not make any changes concerning this, then Steemit is nothing more than a blogging web site for anarchists who control everyone else....I have a hard time believing that the Steemit founders intended this for this to happen. But if they make not changes, then I believe that thee value of Steem will crash hard and soon....they need to act very fast before the market eats their lunch.


they pushed me from 36-7 over night because of making blogs like you just did... check out my page and give me a follow back if you like my content... I've learned its best to mind my own business on that topic until i have enough power. The key is getting involved in the chat rooms, gaining a following, and from there you will advance. Good Content, and are the two main things needed I've found to help you. If people in the chat like you, they will support your work and your blog page.

They just smashed my page and article where it is suddenly hidden ...thus 100% proving my point....if the founders cannot stop this madness fast, then authors like me will be forced to post in Google to all 50,000 of our social media and then some....this has got to stop.....Steemit cannot allow cyber bullies whom Steemit is paying though Steem Power to sensor the news and free speech....

@dan @dantheman @ned @ramta @adamm

@jimenavm and @crypto2day Here are two people stalking me who just whacked this article off my page...

bestoftherest and bacchist are the problem people who feel they can call people names who they do not agree with and harass people so Steemit does grow as a anarchist majority in control web site..they are going around smashing peoples ratings and pages and think all this is funny....the founders need to take some sort of action here...or they can decide to do nothing and my article above will come true....having them attack you, call people "cunts" and other names in Steemit has got to stop...

@dan @dantheman @ned @ramta @adamm @abuse

I agree with you, but I think the Change should be implement by taking away down voting and ridding of the bot armies that people have created. SteemIt is relatively a new platform and still has some kinks to work out, but I see it turning in to something very good... there are a lot of people talking about this so I see some sort of change happening. Even ththough neutral whales aren't happy about it but stay out of it.

They just knocked my article off the board again....this just supports the points that i made in the article....they do not want or support free speech in here...