Stone ring

Jade is a stone that can be made jewelry, jade is not easy to get, there is origin from deep soil, even the depth to 20 meters or more,Jade can be used as jewelry such as rings, necklaces and more for jewelry, jade is very popular today, and many tourists are also targeting the jade, therefore the price of jade is also very fantastic,Jade has many models and has its own name, such as jade moss, lavender, sulaiman kurok, red pomegranate and more,The motive was highly varied as the following jade. 1. 
What's even more interesting to me is the color variation. The color starts from the bright blue until the old bronze. There are full plain, but there are also existing patterns. The lavender stone if still in the form of a lump will not look like a lavender stone. The chunk is like a chunk of lime. But when the new split will look its color. The older the color the more expensive the price, because it is more difficult in can he said. The seller said this stone comes from East Halmahera, one of the districts of Halmahera Island.
After being rubbed this lavender stone can shine good. If illuminated color look uggu. I think these lavender stones are suitable for women. Moreover, the light colored a little.
Agus Lumut Aceh has a characteristic - a characteristic that is very distinctive that has a green color with a mossy fiber motif instead of agate is derived from moss and other specialties currently being highlighted a light, then the light will come out to penetrate. In Aceh is also found many other types of natural stone such as jade aceh "nefrite jade", jade cabbage, jade wine and black jade and much more.
In Aceh region itself the price of genuine natural stone is very diverse, ranging from the price of hundreds of thousands of rupiah dollars, but from the many types of natural rocks are most favored by agate collectors are the type of jade and green moss stone. Another feature of jade or green stone is the original aceh moss according to one Acehnese stone trader who feels cold when held or different from other types of gemstones such as bacan, or other types of stone.
Batu Moss Aceh many located in the district of Central Aceh, Nagan raya, Gayo luwes and Moss River. No wonder many natural stone collectors are flocking to the area. In some countries such as China, aceh moss stones are favored by stone collectors because of their uniqueness and kind that are similar to jade.
This agate because berlafadz Allah is very rare indeed rarely people have anyone who has it self-made cooking stone, agate lafadz Allah is very thick with the mystic for some people because in believing has the property contained in it because it is impossible once lafadz Allah is in agate.
Back again with the confidence of our hearts each so that we do not fall in the kemusrikan all the objects that exist in this world if the will of God so, so it happened so on the will and power must be all happened. Same with agate if the will of Allah there lafadz in agate yes it happens certainly the house can not be lied to. Maknnya we must be sure to Allah SWT do not be sure on the stone agate ya friend.
Indeed, various types of agate own stone has been very diverse, even for some types of aggressive stone is very popular already available a lot of imitation or synthetic, not least on the type of agate that has Lafadz Allah. Because at this time to present or make the motive Lafadz Allah on agate stone is no longer a difficult thing to do, because supposedly said the motive can be made by using laser light technology on synthetic rock types.
For those of you who are interested in various types of agate motifs Lafadz God is heendaknya can be very selective and careful, the article at this time the type of rock is already quite a lot of forged or have enough synthetic. It is known that agate with Lafadz Allah itself is found on various types of agate, and in general is a type of agate that entered the category Chalcedony with a high level of transparency.
agate lafadz allah including one type of agate stone that many hunted fans of rare stones. Indeed in the last 1 year this agate has become a phenomenon in Indonesia. People who in general never know and like agate too much follow-up hunting agate ranging from having a very beautiful style to the most bizarre agate stone has become a target.
Of the many stone rings that many dincar fans are stone lafadz ring of God or lafadz muhammad inscribed in Arabic letters, in addition to other types of stone such as agate suliaman, cempaka honey and others. This lafadz stone is unique and rare especially if the writing on the stone is clear and bright of course the price will be very expensive.
Thus the article about the agate lafadz Allah very phenomenon and the price is very extraordinary expensive because this type of agate this one is sought by all circles and who have very little fair price is very expensive.
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