Write a comment and get upvoted by myself! (10 USD upvote) for first 50 at keast
This will diminish with each further upvote for reduced voting power, I pretend to upvote the first 50 comments I see and who upvote myself as well!
Subscribe in order to not miss the next one!
Happy commenting!
This great..!!
Interesting deal! Still learning my way around this platform. :-)
Isn't it amazing! Thanks for commenting!
Me too . Still learning. Anyone with a tip and trick can share please.
Thanks dude
thats cool
How cool
Amazing :P
I don't even really understand but here is my comment, and here is some of my content, if you would like to take a look :)

Share this post with your friends... it seems like it will not get 50 comments! :)
Thank you. You da real deal.
Please prove your vote is $10.00 on this comment ...
It diminishes with each upvote... but it started out like this... In a few days I repeat with new energy. :)
Please prove that it diminishes with each upvote on this comment ... haha
Ooof you got 6.66$ lol