
Yes Id like to see that @Merlinscat. Although...Tone seems to stuck on the "Where's the value comes from debate". He is seeing big payouts and is having trouble accepting them. As I see it the value is in the community pooling all their knowledge together frictionlessly. And its just a small liquidity pool of steem vs users right now.
An example of value Ive seen: Due to @pauls post and personal reply to my question on Ethereum splitting I was able to claim my ETC. I wouldn't have found it as easy on other platforms like reddit, Steemit I find is much easier to read and a better community I can trust (because its monetized).

Exactly. I'm a long time redditer, but have always found it frustrating trying to separate out the useful, informative posts from all the mindless trash. Sometimes I feel like I'm wading through a sewer, stepping gingerly to find treasure buried in the muck. As soon as I found out about Steemit, I thought "wow, this is going to be amazing", and I signed up as quick as I could. Monetizing a social media platform and having a system that rewards users for quality content is sheer genius, a way to actually incentivize people to think before they write. I've only been on Steemit a couple days, but already finding the quality of discussions and posting to be of higher standards than Reddit. And that right there gives it added value over Reddit in my eyes.

Yep..couldn't agree more Cryptomancer. Im finding HUGE value. Cheers