How STEEMIT Can Destroy Youtube And Facebook ~ From A Disgruntled Youtuber

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Monetary rewards are a great incentive to attract good content creators to Steemit. And as a video content creator and blogger, I'm all about creating good content for my viewers and readers to enjoy and share.

If you haven't noticed, there are a ton of videos on Youtube right now lashing out at the changing algorithms and marginalizing of many channels. Some indeed are very upset about the fall in revenues. But that's not the big reason creators at Youtube and Facebook are upset and looking for alternatives. What these creators are really upset about is something precious that's been taken from them.

I've been on this particular Youtube channel for about 4 years now. I have over 45K subs on my channel. My Facebook page has over 100K likes from people who are interested in our content and the content we share. Do you want to know the real reason most of us are ticked off?

The Facebook Problem

You spend hours and hours developing good content to share on Facebook. Little by little your LIKES grow and maybe you get lucky and a couple of your posts go viral. One video we created and posted on Facebook has over 28 million views and over 24K comments. Another video we created has over 4 million views. These posts generate a lot of LIKES to the page and expands our audience reach...or so you'd think. Getting lucky and having a video go viral is rare. Many posts are never seen by our fans who've like our page. In order for me to once again get the attention of those who have come to our page and LIKED it, I have to PAY Facebook a fee to reach them and tell them that something new has been posted. THAT IS MESSED UP!

The Youtube Problem

Our channel has over 45,000 subscribers. Video content creating takes prep time and sometimes research on the topic and then editing time. Not to mention if your adding musical scores (that often has to be paid for) and motion graphics. It's WORK! Yeah the money from ad revenues is good...but what we really want is to please our audience and get that "atta boy!" when its all over. Youtube has stolen that from us. Most of our subscribers are never notified of new content even if they do adjust their settings to be notified for each new release.

The Bottom Line

I want to be rewarded based on my quality content. PART OF THOSE REWARDS ARE NOT ABOUT MONEY! It's about the subscribers! The Followers of your work. Youtube refuses to notify most of your subs that you have new work when you release it. Just the other day, a long time channel (John Kohler GYG) that I have been subbed to for years, with over 400K subs posted a video and after 24 hours the video had less than 2000 views! WHAT?! It's because Youtube is picking and choosing who will get the ad revenue and who will not. They won't inform the viewers and fans because that means less ad revenue for BIGGER and more network friendly channels.


Steemit Logo HOW STEEMIT/STEEMQ Wins! Steemit Logo

If SteemIt/SteemQ really want to urge content creators like me to jump away from Youtube and Facebook, just give us our subs. It's that simple! Let the people we have worked so hard over, our fans who have awarded us with that precious single subscription click, simply be notified when we put out our hard work for all to see. Currently Facebook and Youtube hold them hostage away from the creators. Put us in direct contact with our followers and fans. They made the choice to hit the Follow or Subscribe button. If they change their mind, then let them change their mind. What your creators desire most is to be in contact with those who have rewarded them with that most special gift, the choice to follow. That choice is more precious than gold and its why Facebook and Youtube hold it hostage.

Give the creators what they really want. Their audience. And the creators will flock to you.



If you have been successful on FB, IG or youtube you will do ten times better on Steemit!

You forgot to mention that Facebook is basically a database for the NSA as proven by Edward Snowden. As steemit improves its interface and functionality it will completely blow facebook away.
Fortunately, I have never used facebook. The potential for steemit is unlimited. Already, steemit is proving that time is money. Steemit turns every user into a developer rather than a "dumb fuck" as Zuckerberg once described facebook users who are basically sheep getting their data harvested while leaving a paper trail for any future investigators or stalkers.

right on, zhan! I got off the book of face a few years ago. As a result, i gained so much of my life and time back not having to see what all my "friends" had for lunch.

I totally agree! The public has been data-mined.

I have to be a little bit critical for Steemit in this regard. We are still lacking a good notification system!

I would love to be able to make custom notifications based on different parameters. I want to have more choices for how to get notified, like email and push notification for my phone. Steemit is a blogging platform but we don't have even RSS feeds.

Currently users need to come to, log in and browse through their own feed to see who has posted what. If they are following a lot of people, it's really easy to miss some great posts if they don't check their feed for a little while, there is just too much to see. Now that we are getting more and more good content producers, problem is getting worse.

I think that will come. Also, Steemit is just the flag ship for the Steem blockchain. So, its like saying Steemit is an app for Steem. SteemQ will be another app for Steem. I think the end result will be to tie them altogether and notifications will be a part of that. I'll just be patient.

I've been here on Steem since the beginning. I've complained about this many times before but it seems that the devs don't understand how practical a good notification center would be for users. It took way too long to get even those red square notifications.

Authors like you would probably benefit a great deal if your audience would be able to get notified when you post new content. And users would benefit when they could modify how they will get notified for different things. It would be a big win for both sides.

you already know my thoughts on all this regarding YouTube when we gave up on it in 2011. sad, but frankly, I'm still amazed others managed to survive as long as they have. I think patreon's really what "saved the day" for YouTubers, though that option didn't exist 'til mid-2013 (even later if you consider the time it took for it to gain traction).

between patreon + steemit, YouTubers may finally be on their way to finding the "alternative" they've been looking for.

I hope so. I really have high hopes for Steemit and can't wait to see what SteemQ does with the blockchain and video.

Hi Zack (Zac? Did I get it right?) and family,

Just wanted to say thank you, both for the brilliant content you provide and also for introducing me to Steemit. I'm still wrapping my head around how it all works but I think I have the rough jist of it. I'll be kicking off with an introduction post soon and then asking some questions and getting down to business here.

Like you I'm a web developer (but in the UK) but have aspirations of buying up a plot of land and living the homestead life. Totally unatainable here in the UK thanks to building regs and planning requirements but we're not afraid to move as we step towards "the life".

Anyway, won't write everything here, have to keep something for my posts but again, thank you. Looking forward to your future videos!

  • Stewart

Thanks Stewart! Hey! There are actually a few brits in our area that moved here. 3-4 families and they live on the same road. They sold everything and bought land here. You can do it! Never give up!

Dang Zach, tell us how you really feel Lol. Im with ya buddy! I have a very small channel and my subscribers tell me they never see ads. They literally WANT to help my channel monetarily but YT has decided my veiwers arent worthy, apparently. Lets see what happens here!

It's so frustrating. I know. I just want to feel like my work is getting in front of the audience who subbed. I'm really looking forward to SteemQ

I am looking forward to some diversity in venues as well. I feel like we are being seen by a whole new bunch of folks here on steemit. Ones who maybe never thought to seek out homesteading info before. It's exciting to think we may be teaching younger folks to grow something for the first time!

I agree! It's a new frontier!

Steemit need to hook up with and build with the LBRY protocol and integrate its blockchain for content, between both platforms is everything we need to get shot of Youtube, Facebook and the rest of the corporate media giants.

You nailed it Zac, I am so tired of having to resub my favorite channels because of yt deciding for me who I need to watch and removing my choices of content creators!

I don't think Youtube will have much of a following in 5 years, there are to many new choices coming around for content creators. Only time will tell. Thanks for all the good content you put out, its much appreciated.

For me, the best part about Steemit is that it breaks the advertisers control over online content.

So much of the internet is only monetized through advertising potential. Here, we (the users) can pick and choose what is monetized based solely on content.

I believe the upcoming hard-fork will make that process even better..

What is the upcoming hard-fork? Besides a giant fork sticking out the the water...