Distorted Wisdom - A sure approach to burning out

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)
I've noticed a few Steemians in my time here who post every single day. As a matter of fact they post a lot more than me by a long shot. You would think they would be doing a lot better, but somehow someway their "efforts" (please note the "") don't seem to be paying off. Now, the thing is, I think they know what they are doing wrong, but either decided not to care, or assume that somehow, someway, it will eventually pay off.

The old - "Working smart, not hard"

You've heard the saying before, but honestly even this advice is not that great. Why? Because our concept of smart working is very diverse. A prime example of this would be the picture I've chosen for this particular post. Our genius thinks he figured out an amazing way to shortcut the job, to get it done quick, not taking into account the danger he has chosen to put himself in.

I'm constantly baffled by the lengths some people will go to rig a system, to cheat, to not do work. It's pretty comical. I remember downloading a tutorial on how hackers clone credit cards after being a victim of it myself. The amount of work it takes, the amount of failed attempts. I mean, it's as if they are trying to fill the pool with shot glass, but they don't see it this way.

This distorted wisdom, because that's the only thing I can think of calling it, is very alive and present on the Steemitsphere. There are those who work really hard at finding "the trick" and don't realize that their quest to finding the easy way out, is taking so much more of their time. Of course this is not always the case, there are some who did manage to find "a trick" but I'm inclined to say the truly successful ones probably hold fat wallets that take away the intellectual merit of said "trick".

In other words, a whale could sit all day and shitpost and make a lot of money. We know this all too well since there is a very infamous one always making his appearance on trending. However, these whales are the exception, as we already know, not that many people hold massive amounts of SP, and even among those who do, not all participate of this activity.

My observation, or at least the message I'm attempting to convey, is directed to those who either barely belong to the 1% surpassing the 500 SP mark but are pretty far away from living off their Steem Income. I happen to believe there is a considerable number of them who are attempting to find the trick, abuse the autovotes, etc, etc.

I guess no one can change their mind, not really. I've tried plenty of times to engage those who are partaking of the futile work, but they seem OK with their reality. In truth, no amount of posting, on it's own that is, will ever sum up to something incredible. As we have it today steemit is not a content driven platform, it's probably more accurately described today as a social networking platform that uses content for interaction. When these relentless "bloggers" focus on just posting, they miss out on the main driving force behind growth.

Do they know? Do they care? I don't know, but if they are posting memes, gifs and other low value content, getting little to no interaction and once they do, not interacting back and are not wondering what the hell is going on. Then there is a good chance that they will continue to fill a pool with a shot glass until their fingers fall off.

If I'm being rude, I'm sorry... truth is salty at times.

Other posts by yours truly

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• Could this be the bull market? If it is, I'll do things a little bit different this time...
• Special Helpienaut Meeting - Cryptocurrency Conversation
• Another way to look at it - HODLing assistance series
• This is not a shill - Presearch.io


Hi meno. What you are saying here is so true. I don't like to see a copy or paste post with a few words added. That doesn't count in my eyes and if one is going to do it at least make an article around it using your own brain.

like whatsup was saying, its not really about being the next shakespear either, but its about being original, creative, being you... and then making those connections with others.

Spot on. That is why I like your posts as it is you.

What is shit posting? Heres my definition.

Creating content that required little to no effort. (And believe me.. Some people make posts out of the memes and nonsense we write in Helpie discord) without a single care whether anyone will find that interesting even in the slightest.

Now consider my Croatia celebration post.
Honestly... No one cares much. Football even i dont watch. Who won in a ball game.
But i made 2 videos. (First time i actually spoken in a video on steemit. Haha. I dont know how everybody missed that😁)
Posted live photos. Shitty ones and a bit better ones..
But i wanted to show effort. I trailed the live stream for 5 hours. Its not the best post in the world or my best post. But i tried.
Now consider the top trending post of the colloseum in Rome photo. With 700 USD..
Effort. Its always the effort that counts. It doesnt have to be on the quality level of the asian girl with travel post photos that kills it every time.. But it needs to show effort.

Those that you mentioned dont really "work hard"... Making 5-10 posts a day isnt working hard. Working hard is making 300 word meaningful comments on posts.. Writing posts with meaning. Networking. Creating something that will make the people talk.

Thought. Effort. Understanding your audience. Skill. Thats what creates value...


Working hard is making 300 word meaningful comments on posts.. Writing posts with meaning. Networking. Creating something that will make the people talk.

Brilliantly said Silent... that's precisely it!

with the preface that sometimes the mind screams to make a shit post among whatever else has been given. sometimes we need to stuff our face with junk food. as long as it isnt a constant stream we shouldnt worry about the overall diet.

ahhh. yes.. the diet. You will get away with a few posts like that. People will understand and it even might make them interested in you more if you time it right and go honestly into it.. I made "2 shit posts"in my time here (those i consider "crap posts" Is there a nicer word for that? :D )... One was a Meme i made for a meme contest 3 months ago and the other was the prediction for Blocktrades world cup i failed to read the rules for.

The pressure you have when large stake holders are upvoting you and you want to just vent and be "human" is overwhelming. But you have to have that junk food from time to time. :D

Now browse @ sirvotesalot :D

agree to a degree, some people don't have the work ethic instilled by their parents. there are some people who are mentally incapable of posting, or stuck in a position where not posting means not eating. yes they do lousy posts. what can we do? encourage them to do better in messages and comments. show that we care, while asking them to do better.

i know what frustration is like when it seems everyone is against you and you are putting out the same as the guy who makes ten dollars on the same kind of post while you make nothing. not everyone is good at social networking. its' a learning process, and it sucks to be judged on it when we are supposed to be about building a better community.

the trick is to separate the people who want to do better but need help versus those who are here for a quick buck and dont want to learn.

I want to see effort, I guess that is.. and probably most people do. Its hard for me to feel inspired in supporting someone who shares copy/paste memes. But even if their posts are not my cup of tea, if I see effort, I'm more inclined to support the person.

totally agree. but effort is subjective depending on education, knowledge, access to tech, talent and experience. it's difficult to not judge and compare. its human nature.

i've heard opinion and argument on why I shouldn't judge the people who judge. I'm at the point where I just hold myself up to values I believe in and not care about peoples opinion. I'm trying to grow a thicker skin.

I agree with much of what you said, but I also want to remind you that it's social media. It isn't a path to finding your inner Shakespear. I think sometimes the message of creating a great post, is intimidating new users.

I've thought about that too... No doubt everyone should be attempting to find their thing. Something they feel comfortable doing and taking advantage of the opportunities to build relationships

FREE MONEY ON STEEMIT - I tap the keyboard...money flows in...lambo in garage..rinse & repeat

that's me Jan this year...

If we’re creative enough and willing learn and fail then we’ll succeed in long term.


its all about the long game brother... that's it!

I really find the content of your post knowledgable. it's really fustrating when you post something you thought would be valuable but it then seems like you wasted time and energy in putting the post together 'cause you didn't get the upvote and comments you expected. thanks for the insightful post.

starting out is not easy... its hard for people to find you, hence why the emphasis should be on networking more than posting.

I'm pretty sure that I have not yet found a subject to write about that attracts the attention of the larger voters. I guess that garden posts are just too mundane for big votes. However, I just keep plugging along and getting those 2-2 and a half dollar post payouts. I'm sure that it's better than the dismal payouts that a lot of minnows are getting right now.
Is it actually only 1 percent of active steemians that have 500 plus SP in their accounts?

Is it actually only 1 percent of active steemians that have 500 plus SP in their accounts?

Confirmed by the SQL gods.

I just keep plugging along and getting those 2-2 and a half dollar post payouts.

You are doing great Amber, you've been consistent... think about how much your steem will be worth in a year, after SMTs. You are going to be cruising pretty!

Well, I can hope my steem will be worth more in a year. LOL
It was at a dollar when I joined in May of 2017, so I guess the long term value has gone up a little bit anyway. :-)

@meno days have gone back when hardwork was key to success. Its time for smart work with hardwork.

@meno we should always work smart instead of working hard. good blog written