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RE: I Need to Come Clean..

in #steemit7 years ago

Oh, how could I forget about the cat? It looks like you won this one, I forgot about it, but you remembered :)) I guess it was because of the late hour I have written the comment, and more important, the idea of your article which made me concerned about you :D

Let me make up to you for this :P



There you go, btw, what is his name?

I don't know why I hate this question :)) He had a lot of names, but right now my sister is calling him Mehmet or sometimes Pus (it is funny because I don't know if you will be able to pronounce it as I have written it).

No wonder he is so grumpy! You need to give him a proper name! I'm pretty sure I know how to say Pus, we Finns speak the same as everything is written. English is not your mother language either, right?