Members Only Pros and Cons
Now that Steemit has shut down new signups and turn it into by invitation only. I can only think of a few pros and cons of this situation for now.
- Keeping the group as it is will increase the percentage of your blog being notice
- No more new whale
- We get all the steem for ourself (My precious)
- Feeling the like cool kid on the block
- Bragging power to friends who didn't get into Steemit
- Will become millionaires within 3 years (I wish)
- The current whale in Steemit will have to ultimate power to upvote any post they want
- By setting it to invitation only will shut out all the elite bloggers who never had a chance
- No new bloods no new ideas
- #introduceyourself will have members keep introducing themselves every week (LOL)
its not completely closed. They are just slowly letting people in based on where they are in the line.