ApolloX(APXT) ICO Review

in #steemit7 years ago

About ApolloX
ApolloX is a project that has the aim to golf shot the ecommerce trade on the blockchain. It is a blockchain solution for online e-commerce with a huge number of current participants and mainstream adoption. Its aim is also to disturb the current online marketplace landscape and become sellers first choice of online channels globally, particularly new sellers with cross border selling needs. Present marketplaces or shops can also decide to move their business to ApolloX platform to reduce cost, quicken customer acquisitions and better brand recognition.

What Does ApolloX Do?

The rise of the ecommerce business within the last a pair of decades has junction rectifier to the emergence of large on-line searching firms like Amazon, eBay and Alibaba. However, the centralized nature of this business has created problems with unfair evaluation, hidden prices, knowledge abuse and a lot of.

Uses of ApolloX
Decentralized Marketplace: The decentralized marketplace comes with a supreme user experience.
Independent Stores: The platform powers independent stores with blockchain and the ApolloX network, charging low fees and producing traffic.
E-Commerce Services: This is to provide service businesses for sellers and buyers for example, decentralized shopping data exchange and decentralized shopping insurance market.

Data Control of ApolloX
Characteristic in blockchain innovation is the capacity to encode delicate data and store it on a changeless record. On the off chance that the data should be gotten to, a client can do as such with their private key. ApolloX just enables purchasers to get to their perusing and obtaining action. Purchasers can even pick not to leave any movement history. By approaching this important data, clients can deliberately impart their information to specialist co-ops on the system to win discounts or customized administrations.

Token details fo ApolloX
Token: APXT
Platform: Ethereum
Soft cap 4,000,000 USD
Hard cap 14,000,000 USD
Number of tokens for sale: 3,500,000,000 APXT (35%)
Pre Sale Bonus: 20%
Tokens exchange rate: 1 APXT = $0.0055
Acceptable currencies: ETH, BTC
Minimal transaction amount: 0.5 ETH, 0.025 BTC

Website: https://apollox.network/
Whitepaper: https://apollox.network/whitepaper

ApolloX's Future

Will Li, founder and CEO of ApolloX, is betting on the blockchain. He believes that the future of global e-commerce is decentralization. As the decentralization improves transparency and gives independency, it has everything that it needs to succeed.
According to Li, the current e-commerce industry forces the sellers to pay between 25% to 50% of the money they get from sales to use the platforms. By rewarding the community and really creating a good ecosystem, the products will be cheaper and the system will work for everyone.
This new platform was created by Apollo Box, a company based in the Silicon Valley with over 800 vendors. The company already has full backing and has prominent angel investors like Amino Capital and Hofan Group.

social Media
Facebook:- https://web.facebook.com/apolloxnetwork/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Medium:- https://medium.com/@apolloxnetwork
Telegram :- https://t.me/apolloxgroup
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/apolloX_network
Bitcointalk:- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4650252
Reddit:- https://www.reddit.com/r/ApolloX/

My Contact
Bitcointlak: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1751330
ETH Address: 0x6b8C292908F81aFDC12aca91BEFFB13D87f4838e