I'm Giving Up!
I decided I'm going to quit steemit.

Last Monday night, I sent a message to my friend @zoeroces, she's the one who introduced steemit to me. I told her...
Sis, I don't want to steem anymore...
I also sent a message to sir Terry @surpassinggoogle, I consider him as my steemit mentor and my idol. I told him...
Hi sir Terry, I'm thinking about quitting steemit now. I think I'm not really meant for it. But I still want to thank you and I just want to say, nice to meet you sir.
He replied,
Why isn't it meant for you?
Earlier that night, I just joined a live singing contest on discord. It was a singing contest held by the group @steemitachievers. I tried my very best to sing even though I have a cough and colds. I practiced my piece all day. But unfortunately, I lost. Some say I have a good voice, but if that so, why didn't I win? maybe the compliment is just to thank me for joining. Maybe I'm not really a good singer. I felt disgusted with myself. I'm nothing but a trying hard person. Then I think of other contests that I joined on steemit. So, I excitedly log in to my account and check for the results of other contests that I joined. Hoping that I won in any of them but sadly, I lost in all of them. I started to cry. Have you ever felt the same way? Have you ever joined a contest or contests, tried your best, hoped that you'll win but you did not? I told myself, I'm a loser. Forever loser.

I replied to Sir Terry while I'm sobbing...
Because I'm not good at it. I joined contests and did my best but always ended up losing... I spent a lot of time making long blog posts but only a few like it... I see many have seen or read it but only a few upvoted for it... It just means they don't like it.. it's nonsense.. it's a trash...
Aside from the singing contest, I also joined poetry, movie guessing contest, commenting contest, art contest, etc. As a beginner in this platform, a minnow or a red fish, I'm still picking up some pieces. I started by learning the markdown basics, where to get pictures with CC0 License, learn how to draw, searched on how to create a post with valuable content, etc. Did you know how much time I have spent in each post? You have no idea. I'm not a professional artist. When I joined that art contest, I can't count how many papers I have crumpled and thrown in the trash bin. I even yelled at one of my kids when one of them tried to write something on my finished artwork. For others, maybe it will only take you a couple of minutes or an hour to create a poem but me? No, I can't. It requires a lot of thinking for me. Which words to use and which not. Which words perfectly suits that feeling that I want to express, that's really hard for me. When I joined that @jerrybanfield's swc contest, I took me overnight to think what story to share. And a couple of hours to search for the right images, resize the images, another couple of hours writing or typing my story, double-check the grammar, edit the formatting and alignment... etc. Then, when I posted it, only a few like it. I got only a few comments. The upvotes didn't even reach .20 sbd. I also joined the brokenhearted contest, told my story about my ex-husband which I never want to share with anyone before. It was hard for me to remember those days but I still wrote about it because I want to join the contest. But guess what? I only got .12 upvotes for that post. What does it mean? For me, it only means people here on steemit don't like me. It means my post is nonsense. It is just a piece of s**t. So, I asked myself, did I just wasted my time?? I think I did.
Sir Terry replied,
no nonsense or trash involved
He sent more messages that I just ignored that time. Because I'm sad, I felt hurt, nothing or no words could lift me up. I just want him to understand how I feel... I told him,
I felt like I'm in the middle of the crowd, with so many people. I wanted to be recognized. But it is really hard to get noticed or to be heard. Because it seems like other people standing in front of me are much bigger, taller, more noticeable than me who has a louder voice than me. I'm losing hope... Even though I did my best, there is always someone better than me... that makes me feel ashamed of myself.
He said,
You don't have to be noticed...
Keep writing...
Again, I disregard his messages and just thanked him. I told him I would think about it. Then, I fall asleep with tears in my eyes.
The next morning, I have decided to just accumulate all the remaining sbd's I got and then I would never visit my account again. I have hidden all the group chats and unfollowed all the groups that I joined related to steemit. I was about to quit steemit. But then, I read Sir Terry's messages again. It is heart-melting.
I understand.
you are no loser. you need to leave the box.
it is about you not only your content
people need to know you...
Visit @steemitsecrets, digest all the posts.
I will inspire you as much as possible.
It has never been about impressing or gain the approval of others
it has been about gaining your own approval.
Days passed, I told myself I will never visit my steemit profile again but every day, I find myself doing the opposite. Like it was part of my system or my daily routine. I always find myself typing steemit.com in the URL box. I also can't stop myself from checking @ginabot's dm on discord. I have seen @steemitsecrets before, but honestly, I just scanned it. But since sir Terry suggested not just to read it but also digest it, so I did. To my surprise, the posts seem like it was for me. It moved me. I hit me like bull's eye!
I realized I was wrong.
"We will celebrate each minnow as whales and whales as whales, for "you are whale to me!" @sunnylife on Steemitsecrets#1

I am wrong when I think that others are much bigger than me because this statement for me means, we are all congruent. I should've not strived to be the very best among the rest, for each every human is at its best in their own different ways. I should've not competed with others, or compare my works to others. I should compete with my own doubts and win by my creating something that I never think I am capable of doing.
"Sometimes you win, sometimes you
loselearn" - John C. Maxwell
"Learning is the ultimate earning..." @enjieneer on Steemitsecrets#3
Therefore, there's no such thing as losers right? Sir surpassinggoogle is right. Win or lose, you'll get something. And sometimes, you earn much more in losing than in winning because we learn from our mistakes, we became stronger whenever we stand up from failing.
"true influence" can be attained by virtue of "YOU". - @itsjessamae on steemitsecrets#6
"To Attain "Greatness" And Draw People In Using Just Your Post, You Will Need To Work At Impressing Yourself First." - @sissyjill on Steemitsecrets#11
"It has never been about impressing or gain the approval of others, it has been about gaining your own approval." - @Surpassinggoogle
I realized, why am I struggling to get noticed? while all I have to do is to impress myself. And from that, others will follow. If the way I look at my work is a trash, then how could others appreciate it?
you will need to "stubbornly" be "the awesomest version of YOU" and the "awesomest version of YOU" is "a gift to humanity"; Thus, on the path to beginning to "impress yourself", you will have to be "too lazy to quit". - @sissyjill on Steemitsecrets#11
How can I do that if I'm going to quit now?

"Your fruitfulness is the result of your personal growth" - Sir @joeysison
Plants need to grow in order to have fruits, I should too. How can I get a fruitful result if I will stop here and remain the same? I should continue to improve myself.
"it is about YOU not only your content" - @surpassinggoogle
My posts' upvotes don't define me. It is all about me.
"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches." - Dita Von Teese
Just bring out the best in you. It doesn't matter if there are some people who won't like you for being you. You can't please everybody and you were not born to do so. Just let them go.
As a newbie, what I just did here is to create a post, promote them, ask for upvotes, upvote other's post hoping they will do the same then wait and watch how many upvotes I could get...and then felt dissatisfied, discouraged from getting few upvotes. I realized this isn't how steemit was supposed to be.
"In steemit, engagement is important." - Sir @wagun001
"I want you to go to other posts, from any nation, read and interact" - @surpassinggoogle
Steemit is a social media platform. So, we should socialize, communicate with others, get involved, interact, make friends and have fun.
"People need to know you..." - sir @surpassinggoogle
We need to get to know each other. I should've not just waited for others to upvote my post. I should read other's post too. Make a comment to their post and get to know them. There are many people on steemit. I should not just limit myself to my friends' posts.
"Go out of the box" - @surpassinggoogle
Steemit is a huge community. I thought I have explored everything about it but I just found myself exploring only a corner of it. And I just limit myself in that corner. Sir Terry always reminds us to go out of the box. To go out of our comfort zones, don't just stay where we used to be, to explore and not be shy.
I learned that, the proper way to "steem it" is; read interesting posts from different nations, put a valuable comment on each of them, resteem and upvote the most interesting ones. Follow them and build friendships. Create a post by bringing out the awesomest version of me, impress myself and love what I'm doing.
"You just have to write from your heart," - @mermaidvampire
I was wrong when I count how much time I have spent on creating a post. I should've not taken steemit as a job. I should make steemit as a hobby.
What's your favorite hobby? Me, my favorite one is playing with my kids. I didn't earn anything for the time I spent, but still, I love playing with them and I never consider my time was wasted. I don't count the hours I spent with them, I just let the time passed by enjoying myself and never regret what I've done.
That's how steemit should be. Love what you're doing, not expecting to earn anything, just have fun and you will not notice that time passed by. Share things, knowledge, wisdom, stories... write from your heart. And then the rewards will become just a bonus.
Yes, I'm giving up...!
... I'm giving up all my negativities in life... I'm giving up all my worries and fears. I will be the awesomest version of me as a gift to humanity.

I want to thank sir @surpassinggoogle for always being there with a helping hand. He is indeed an amazing man. God bless this person and every other helpful whales and steemians, helping each other to bring steemit to the moon.
I want to encourage my fellow red fishes or minnows to not just read @steemitsecrets but also digest it, it is a good motivation for us to understand steemit and how to be a part of it.
Please also support @surpassinggoogle as a witness by voting him at https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" at the first search box.
Special thanks for all the motivational quotes from my friends and fellow steemians mentioned above with their usernames.

Hello how are you
I loved reading your publication,
I see a woman
fighter and passionate
In this walk through life
we are going to find many stones that make the road a bit difficult
but life without difficulties also loses some brightness
the key is to learn to walk and
dodge stones that hinder
many of these stones that get in the way
they are only in our mind
Keep that passion and enjoy this walk.
ohh, so sweet...
I appreciate the comment ma'am,
thank you for the motivation..
and thanks for your time reading...
i feel really glad to see your comment and you are supporting users too 😊😊
lots of love for both of you @samic and @surpassinggoogle 😍😍
Thank you alot
life means life with full of uncertainties. We have to live for survival, keep the way of who you are as an advantage to bring you the life to the fullest. Life is good , just a matter of living and being wise somehow.
@maylyn09 I read every line to the end. Its not just about not racking up enough SBD that makes everything suck. You look at the time you have used up and you feel really not made for this.
But trust me, every big shots here started just like you.
Happy you found your fire back!
I trust you... 😉
thank you for your time reading! I appreciate all your words... and the comments here just lit up the fire in me.... it encourages me to keep steeming...
I think your expectations are to high...this is a platform to grow in...the rewards come to those who post and comment on a daily basis. Follow and comment on great peoples posts and you'll start seeing the rewards you desire! =) Following you!!
you know i felt the same way, sissy. and when u said you wanted to quit that time, i got sad because it seemed like i never did my best to help you. I even told @ishanvirtue and sir @wally001 about it. Im so sorry that you felt that way. Just remember that steemit is not about competing with others. stay here with us. I love you :*
Thanks sissy! Love you too! 😘
@maylyn09 I hope my past posts helps you. As I always say, we've been through harder before when we had posts which earned nothing. Even @zoeroces almost gave up before. But look at her now, she has improved a lot!
With regards to contests, I am never expecting in such. I consider contests as anti-writer's block. I won a few times but most of the contests I joined, I didn't win
Keep steeming dear.
thank you sir! I will surely read your posts. Thank you for the motivation.
Absolutely :)
You know how much I care for you. The very first time we talked and u helped me with something, i already loved u as my friend and as a sister. You have a huge heart too like @surpassinggoogle. People like you supposed to be keep in everyones heart. I love u sissy. 😙
love you too sissy, thank you for bringing me here... 😉😚
Throughly.....beginning on steemit looks quite challenging especially when one is not properly guided.
I also felt same way when i first joined...but now i am enjoying the platform, thanks to friends fort heir advise.
Like @surpassinggoogle said "everyone has something to offer" i am proud to have friends here.....love you all
yes, absolutely right! thank you for your comments...
I'm glad you didn't quit. Just keep on keeping on and you'll do great here.
If you want to start counting hours, you're gonna feel discouraged, but as you said if you consider it as a hobby, get to know people and have fun, then you're good to go. I feel your pain then, and I think many people are experiencing what you experienced then, so they should see this message. It's going to be like an inspiration to them. Resteemed .
thank you! appreciated...
Greatttt :)
thats soo heart warming to see people loving each other here and saying kind words 😍😍 i must say steemit is one more peaceful world 😍😍
yes, it is 😍
thank you for dropping by...
Agree...we all need some realistic expectations on here...most people earning the large rewards have been on here for a year now or have had large followings before this!
Just follow the natural order here in steemit, love the people, the community and everything about the platform! We not be as big as the others but we are somebody in our own ways! Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for he truly recognizes the whale in us all!
Yes, thanks to him! And thanks to all of you guys...
@surpassinggoogle Thank you surpassingoogle was here :))) thank you for content @maylyn09
Sir Terry is by far the most generous person plus an inspiration for us all!
maybe quit the expectations of who you thought you was and emerge like a butterfly on the other side. change is always hard. even thou it's not much i upvoted this by 100% -- much love.
Yes! I am also giving up the expectations! People get upset because of expectations not met. Thanks for the wonderful words. I appreciate the comment than the upvote. Thank you for the love.
Rightly said. If you don't appreciate yourself, no one will. It all starts from you. Inspiring story. If one focuses on benefits, the best is never given.
It gets discouraging sometimes when you put a lot of work into a post and people read and leave without even commenting. But when the focus is not on making money but on socializing, it'll be slow progress but I believe you'll eventually be noticed for your individuality and uniqueness.
Thanks for sharing @maylyn09
thank you @skodie for your time reading my post...
my fellow steemians like you inspires me to continue my journey here on steemit. I appreciate Your time, your words and comment ...
Well said!
Hi. I know what you feel. And i know that putting much effort on your content with less appreciation hurts. I even had been told that my posts weren’t that good enough despite of being gotten curie’s upvote twice. In this world where each person has something to voice out, you should not let yourself left behind by the negativity. I assure you, being discourage is a normal feeling but how you are able to cope up and stand with it matters. Thanks those who believe in you. I always believe that hardwork paids off in the end. It may not be now, but it will. It will come to you. Just never give up. I know you can do it. Steem on! 💕
ohh, sweet... You touched my heart... thank you for understanding how I feel... and these words you just mentioned here,... I will surely bear these in mind... thank you for giving me hope :) 😍
hope to get to know you more...
I'm glad that this made you feel more hope. I followed you and will be looking forward to reading more of your posts. Let's inspire and support each other. :*
don't give up sis. that's where thw challenhe is , the more you feel down , the more you have to bw strong , whatever you feel just write ir down , just feel free , just inspire , i know it's hard when you're blogs are unseen , it hurts, right? nut who would actually cheer you up? would a steemian go beside you and tap you on your shoulder to awaken you? nah, it would start in yourself , just always remember what they say, if you feel like you're at the bottom? the only way is up!! steem on sis! gorabels lang 👍❤️❤️❤️
thank you sis !! 😍😚 very touching...
it's nice to know that there's someone understands how I feel, thank you for the advice and the motivation.... I will surely keep on steeming!!
Thank you surpassingoogle was here :)))
You have a good point and i believe that steemsecrets gives impact to this steemit community now a days..Its been a pleasure and advantage for those who read it all.
thanks, I'm so thankful to @steemitsecrets , the lessons were really helpful..
thanks for reading my post!