The Coming Dark Ages

in #steemit4 years ago

Considering the dwindling reputations of government and elite news; who would fight off their dissolution if a foreign power were to sack Washington DC? I'm sure many on social media would pronounce with bravado their patriotism and strategy to fend off the attackers. Would the bravado hold long enough to complete a 1,000 or 2,500 mile trek?

How many leaders in Washington DC would even put up an argument against an attack regardless the enemy? Consider the enemy says the leaders can still keep their power over the people, they would just need to answer to such and such a king rather than the people they serve. What do you think now about whether your leader would even consider a fight with the foreign power?

So how does this relate to the Dark Ages
The old saying goes, "the Dark Ages weren't for lack of sunlight." The Age of technology, the age we're currently in, requires vast amounts of non-violent cooperation. Milton Friedman's "pencil" analogy is an excellent example.


If we find ourselves in a scenario where the states break apart. The Dark Ages would potentially result, if the states began violently competing in an attempt to reproduce the federal government. Considering the authoritarian nature of both Republican and Democrat political movements coupled with the increased fracturing of both parties. The likelihood of a complex protracted war of multiple tribal groups in not far from possibility.

As cooperation becomes less and less possible, those everyday items such as the pencil will no longer be available.

Rome attempted to stave off dissolution by allowing an emperor to take command. This worked for a while, however, the corruption infected the emperors just as it had the senate. If history is to repeat itself, as typically occurs, can we look forward to an emperor?

How long before the next renaissance? We got separation of Church and State last time. Maybe next time we'll get separation of Government and force?

Some Information

What Event Preceded the Previous Dark Age?
The Dark Ages began in the 4th Century AD after the fall of Rome.
Rome controlled both directly and indirectly large portions of Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Thus, the fall of Rome caused an immense power vacuum for the known world.

How Long was the Previous Dark Age?
The Dark Age ranged from the 4th Century to the 11th Century.

Why was the Previous Dark Age so Long?
Tribal groups arose out of the Roman power vacuum and sought to become Rome like in power. The majority of infamous kings and warlords emerged during this time.

Fall of Rome and Timeline References
Stefan Molyneux's video is a great source of information on the Fall of Rome and how this relates to current day events.

Here is a timeline of important events that occurred in Rome.

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Source Dark Ages part 1
Source Dark Ages part 2