My First Week- Here’s My 2 Steemit Cents

in #steemit9 years ago

I know of no other platform in the world that offers people financial incentives for posting their 2 cents. Good luck even getting your mother to listen to you ramble on about your personal interests!

When my friend @JasonStaggers rang and told me about Steemit, I immediately had my reservations. “What’s the catch?” was my first response. "Why on earth would an organisation pay someone for posting?”
Nevertheless, one week later and I have morphed into a Steem addict!

Below are my initial thoughts on Steemit. Please understand that I am somewhat of a technical Luddite compared to most in this community. Trying to comprehend what Steem Power, cryptocurrencies and block chains were caused a small section of brain matter to ooze from my left ear. Not to worry though, it pushed back in okay!


  1. Paid to Post
    Where else in the world can you be remunerated to post your thoughts and insights? Everyone deserves to be heard, but to be paid as well? This is a blogger’s utopia!
  2. Fair Rankings
    Ranking of posts appear to be relatively even-handed. While whales evidently dominate the Steemit landscape, everyone still stands a chance at being upvoted for sharing quality content.
  3. No ads!
    I am so sick of seeing ads on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The ‘noise’ is deafening. Thank you Steemit for allowing me to read an article in peace!
  4. Anarchists/Doomsayers
    A week of reading has made me realise that the site teems with anarchists and doomsayers. This is listed under the ‘positives’ sub-heading so please hear me out before you react. Since discovering Steemit last week I have been embarking on a life altering learning curve to say the least. Never before have I googled so much political, financial and historical opinion pieces. I think I took the red pill and entered the rabbit hole.
  5. Friendly Community
    The Steemit community seems both upbeat and helpful. I feel like I can post freely and people will respond courteously. Try that on YouTube where sharing a simple ‘How To’ video can receive a barrage of cuss so crude that it would make a sailor blush.

My Steemit Wishlist:

  1. App
    Having an App that was built to enable easier posting and reading would be a sure-fire winner. I’m thinking something clean skinned like the Kindle App would be enable functional reading.
  2. Customisable Homescreen
    Let’s get personal! I’d love to see individual banners, writer profile photos and author bios.
  3. Customisable Newsfeed
    This one is probably already in the pipeline but it would be incredible to have a customisable newsfeed so that I can see what those I have followed have posted.
  4. Alerts Feature
    When someone likes your comment, or adds a response to your comment, you have absolutely no way of knowing it. An alerts feature would allow you to keep your finger on the pulse and stay in touch with readers.
  5. Steem Dollar Price Chart
    I’ve tried to track the price history of Steem Dollars. An accurate price history has been hard for me to find. Has anyone built a price chart yet? As a potential investor, I’d love to be able to monitor the price history. (Forgive me if there is a stupid statement and there already is one in existence. I’m a Luddite, remember?)

Random Thoughts and Queries:

• How weird is it to have the ability to peer into someone else’s wallet? It’s slightly invasive but cool nonetheless!
• Will Steemit become increasingly Twitter-esque in that people ‘auto-like’ everyone with the hope that they are followed in return? Will the Twitter reciprocal arrangement of “like me back or you’re dumped” plague Steemit?
• I wanna be a whale! Can someone please make it from minnow to whale so I can see that a glimmer of hope that is indeed possible?
• Will there be a buy out on the horizon for Steemit? What do the founders plan to do if a suit knocks on their door with briefcases stuffed with cash (or a bulging crypto wallet)? Do they have a plan to ensure that the site’s everlasting integrity is maintained?
• Can Steemit keep hemorrhaging payouts? I believe 90% of Steemers are invested for the next 2 years but what happens if a flood of new users attempt to rort the system and capitalise on all the short term payouts? Is there a contingency plan in place to protect what we all have come to know and love?

In short, Steemit is an absolute game changer. I have loved reading the diverse scope of articles, I love the community that has been created, and I look forward to what the future holds for us all!


Hey, good thoughs :) just my two cents.

Thanks Sijoittaja. It's been such a fun week on this platform.

Anarchists... I think I took the red pill and entered the rabbit hole.

This has been my ultimate goal all along :)

Customisable Newsfeed

You know about this right?

Steem Dollar Price Chart

This guy posts technical analysis every day:

Will there be a buy out on the horizon for Steemit?

Not possible, as this is not really a business in the traditional sense, although a whale could sell their account.

Can Steemit keep hemorrhaging payouts?

The only danger here is that whales are short-sighted and just want to cash out their positions, but this would be unwise and I don't think it's likely. There will be a price at which it no longer makes sense for them to power-down. As more people join the platform and power up, it will become less of a concern. We can chat more about this later.

I look forward to what the future holds for us all!

Me too! Glad you're here mate. You can come to our next Steemit Melbourne Meetup!

Oh, and I'll see if my friend @lukestokes who shared Steemit with me can stop by and say g'day. You should follow him.

Okay... my post seems really stupid now in hindsight. I could have sworn the 'Feed', 'Replies' and 'Comments' part weren't there yesterday. Whoops! I won't tell Hailz or she will chalk it up as me taking a 'bloke look'.

Hey Jase,
Dude, I am so deep in that rabbit warren it is not funny. I'm researching everything from the Kennedy assassination to the Panama Papers.
As I said in the post 'Luddite'. When developers create a platform they need to take consideration of ham fisted people like me. Will access the newsfeed component. Embarassing! :)
Really appreciate the technical analysis link. Will bookmark.
I would have thought that the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and YouTube would want to buy these guys out quick before Steemit errodes their profits.
Very keen for a Melbourne Steemit meetup.
Have already looked into @LukeStokes. Very interesting outlook and quite thought provoking questions. Would be great to shake his hand. Looking forward to a meet up.

Luke lives in the US, so shaking his hand might be a challenge :)
Steemit has been built from the beginning to remain decentralised forever. It's owned by all of us. That's one reason why it's so awesome.
Check out @larkenrose for more on voluntarism.

I see another excuse to head to Aussie land. :) We have a team member there I'd love to visit also. Someday I'll get out there.

Welcome to Steemit, Matt!

I wanna be a whale! Can someone please make it from minnow to whale so I can see that a glimmer of hope that is indeed possible?

Check out @stellabelle. She came here with nothing early on and did quite well.

I think I took the red pill and entered the rabbit hole.

Welcome to the valley of the real. :)


A couple have been built already for android/iphone. I haven't used them yet myself.

keep hemorrhaging payouts

Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, creates around $1M in new value every day. That value is supported by the market. I see no reason why this can't grow because it's superior technology (IMO) combined with a decentralized social media platform which can't be censored and pays authors and curators in real tokens of value. 6 years ago 10,000 bitcoin was used to buy a pizza. Today, that's almost $6M in value.

I love your questions, your optimism, and excitement. Following!

Thanks Luke! That was one lucky pizza guy.
I really only heard the odd reference to BitCoin in various financial papers. The whole mining concept confused me. It seemed no different to governmental money printing. This week I have read a lot more in relation to cryptocurrency and can see how it will be the way of the future.
The wild fluctuations of cryptocurrency might see me speculate a little, but hedge with a few precious metals instead.
Thanks for your comments Luke.

Thanks for dropping by to respond Luke. That would be AWESOME if you could come for a visit someday.