The trick is to start paddling before the wave gets to you.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

Its no secret the steem price is scraping on the floor, with a lot of heavily invested people questioning how low it can go before it bounces back.

I'm not sure where the bottom is, but I'm certain I'm in no hurry to see a rebound, because when it does, its never coming back down.
When momentum builds and new users arrive and invest, bringing estalished fan bases with them, a lot of us are going to be left behind.

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You got on-board before most people, and you know there's a big wave coming.


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Now ask yourself, "When it arrives, will I have the momentum to catch it?"

Being out on the water isn't enough. You have to start paddling before the wave is under you.

Its only a first mover advantage if you actually move.
Nobody will care that your account is 5 months old, or that berniesanders commented on four of your posts, or that you joined stellabelle in sticking the boot into Berwick.
When this site starts adding 100,000 users a day, every day; and it will, will you have sufficient followers to upvote your content onto the trending, hot and active pages?
When all those noobs are looking for quality content, will yours be in front of them?
Will you catch the wave and take 1% of them?
1000 new followers sounds pretty great. How about 10%? That's 10000.
Ten thousand followers in a single day. That's triple the current total record, in just one day, and that's not some outlandish exaggeration, it's entirely possible.
Not for me, though.

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I have 141 followers. They're the best followers anyone could ask for, but unless my content's incredible, and even if it is, I probably don't have the reach to hit all those new eyeballs.


If the price bounces back tomorrow I'll never break into the top 1000 steemers. (Currently 1192 on
Sure, my wallet will look pretty healthy, but a rare opportunity to really hit the big time will be lost, and I don't know when or how there will ever be another one.

I hope it doesn't bounce back tomorrow.
I hope it doesn't regain 50c until I've picked up 500 followers.
I hope it doesn't climb back over $1 until I hit 1000.

All industries go through booms and busts, and a savvy businessman will take advantage of both.
When the market is healthy, you focus on growing the pie. When it contracts, you focus on increasing your slice.
When people get disheartened and leave the platform, don't join them or mourn them.
You're losing potential followers, but you're also losing competitors.

Use this time wisely, because it won't come again.

100% SP post
Have a fantastic day


The question is :
. does one 'pick up ' followers when so much of the voting (and presumably reading) is done by bots?


lookit the number of active many of them are bots?

I have picked up well over 100 and I have never blogged. I sometimes comment and people follow me as they get to know me. Others follow because I vote on their posts. Vote on little fish and they follow you!
Well, that is my opinion as a curator.

I'm doing the best I can.

I have written

1768 posts
(articles and comments)
I follow 802 People
(not bots...I check)
and I only have 276 followers
Big Ka-Hunna.
You're my only chance!
(Yeah ...I know...keep paddling)

It looks like you have made over 2,000SP just on your content. If so, that is quite an accomplishment. I had to buy mine (and voting gives me about 50SP per day if I am lucky)

I've re invested everything I earned form author and curation rewards.
I don't have any discretionary money to invest.
I'm paddling as hard as I can.

I'm not suggesting we sell our kidneys, just that we should be careful what we wish for :)

Try to think in percentage terms. Berwick's the big kahuna, right? with 3000+ followers.
You have almost 10% as many as him.
Imagine having 10% as many subscribers as the biggest guy on twitter. (I want to say Ashton Kutcher?).

I guess I gotta get naked and walk in the back door of Charlie's house in order to "be like Ashton" - hehe. My six pack is not what it used to be - so no luck there likely.

I try not to be a twit.
So I dunno who you are referring to.
I assume it's a good thing?

I agree with you. Same strategy on my side.

Each steemer who's a bot is one less I have to compete against as a content creator :)

That's a great way to look at it. But none of my content ever gets hit. I am lucky to get $0.11


108,596 accounts
31,120 accounts are active
2,962 "curators"
1,164 authors?
Seems you got your wish..

I meant that if I post something and it runs for 24 hours - the post gets like $0.11
I don't really care about what steem is worth in dollars.

i wish that was true..Bots are primed to vote for the proven $

Then you want to make sure that includes you. Particularly while we're little.

Copy that. I just put up another 3btc - What can I say? I like this platform.

Nice. With the bitcoin price high and the steem price low, now is the time to do it. I actually touched on people like yourself in an earlier post.

Nice post. I did start out (and end up retiring early) on bitcoin. I was mining and giving out whole bitcoins to friends just so they had a sample of how it worked. I handed out $3 here and $3 there, many of those coins just got deleted with the app just to recoup some of space on their phone. The same $3 is now 731 last I looked. Steem will get there too - people don't stop to think that this is worldwide.

Love your post man. Upvoted (Dont carry much weight....)and resteemed and hope to get you more and more followers :) And followed you by the way :)

Appreciate it, jacor. I've been following you for ages, and really enjoy your stuff.

I'm in the same boat as you. I have only been at this a month or less now. I'm hoping I can gain some traction and improve my content before the wave hits. I'm hoping I can build a really great base here in a couple months, or a year and then have this take off. on the other hand, I really just want something like this to succeed, regardless of the timing. Good luck fellow minnow.

You're doing really well for a month. Your rep is much higher than mine, and I've been here more than 2 months :)

Copy that, loving these motivational words to live by! I agree this is a great time to be gobbling up as much Steem as you safely can and powering it all up. But I would caution against buying too much at once because we don't know where the bottom is yet.

Just now I see Steem down another 15% on Poloniex, and I'm rubbing my hands with glee wondering when my next buy order at 0.00014443 will be hit. My strategy is to buy in small increments of 0.1 BTC, with each buy placed about 25% below the previous one in the order book. That's a small enough amount at once that I can keep up the buys pretty much indefinitely, ensuring that my cost-averaged price will end up being somewhat close to the bottom when we finally hit it and rebound.

I tend to agree with this analysis. It's how I am currently playing the game. I'm optimistic for the future, but I also hope it doesn't rebound immediately. Still working on increasing my slice of the pie. And powering up, in small amounts, where I can.

All we can do is our best, with the hand we've been dealt. The small size of the platform is actually protecting us, as individuals, from competition from huge names. Sporting stars, movie stars, musicians etc.
We have to get as much personal growth during this incubation phase, as we can.
Consider yourself followed :)

We have been provided a great opportunity, I agree. When the price moves it will be hard to keep up with it. Just keep earning those SP's and buying them when budget allows.

Thanks for the follow. Happy to return the honour.

Excellent post matt. Most of us aren't going to pull a Berwick, but we can still catch up. Post by post, follower by follower you can get there. It is the same as the turtle and the hare, and who won that race?

That's what I believe, anyways. :)

And be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

I felt the same way with bitcoin, when I had only a few coins a few years ago, i was like:
But now that I have a lot of coins , I am like:

Its funny isn't it. I started watching btc at $10, didn't buy until they were at $50.
I was kicking myself that I'd missed a great opportunity.

Good points.

Those of us here right now are really getting a great chance to power up at the moment!

Says the guy with 800 followers :)
Well done, mate.