When is Steemit for Video coming out? We need it ASAP

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Image of Steemit train

So. We have a great way to curate written text and images but what about video? Isn't it about time Steemit had a video category? The Steemit train can overtake Youtube!

We should be able to upload and host videos on Steemit. I know it costs more in terms of storage but the value those videos will bring to the platform is huge. This is a great potential ad-free way for video creators to get rewarded for their work the same as bloggers are now getting rewarded on Steemit.

Sure, you could embed a youtube video but it's not the same. Video creators should be able to offer Steemit users an exclusive video channel if they could upload here.

Do you want news to break on Steemit and make the site more popular making everyone more money and improving the experience via better content? We need videos to be hosted here! Exclusive video channels will keep people coming back to Steemit, growing the community and we can become a breaking news hub.

What does everyone think? Do we want videos to be hosted on Steemit, yay or nay? This issue needs to be raised.



Thanks, hopefully we can get a debate going and put pressure on the team to implement it.

When YouTube Fades away :)