
Great, thanks a lot!. It's really tough getting any movement so far on my blog and I'm very happy to take any help I can. Thanks again.

Just keep posting good content and give it a chance to catch on.

I certainly have been. The issue is also the algos in Steemit as well. If you don't have the right people upvoting you, you can have fantastic content (I do), but nothing moves on your value. I've posted over fifty excellent articles already, but I still haven't found the key to get better numbers. It's very slow going even though I think my articles are actually really good (of course I'm a bit biased)

That I will do. Thanks again for giving us all the push to come over. It's a platform with great potential. It's just requires a bit more work to understand how to maximize the value return on it

My advice is to post content that engage people first so you can get more followers and then you can post the stuff you like.
Basically when you post think about getting the most response possible instead of writting the best articles.

Because you're an asshole, I'm adding you back to my bot to automatically flag EVERYTHING you post. Enjoy NEVER earning another penny here on Steemit!

I've just posted 5 comments and none have been flagged. MAN UP!

My bot is too smart for you. Moron.