Why its important to upvote comments on your steemit posts
Keeping posts active because they are relevant is much easier when user engagement is at its peak, relevant comments are a great way to keep a published post in the minds of readers.
We are Steemit and we have an incentive to do just about anything on this blockchain and claim a reward for it.
Making the best of steempower to sort comments by relevance on your posts
This is a quick step tutorial mostly for new users that will help you to user your Steempower to sort your readers comoments by order by upvoting them. Often and especially as of late our posts are being bombarded by newbie users requesting follow backs, mutual upvotes and even resteems.
If you really are a new user to steemit check out this must read post :
So you just hit the publish button on your fresh post and likely with a couple minutes you will start to receive the first replies...
Make sure to upvote these but there is no need to spend 100% of your voting power this you must determine by the relevance and quality of the reply that your post receives.
Here you can see me using the sliding upvote bar to determine how much steempower I will use to upvote this comment.
Why its important to upvote comments on your steemit blogposts
It gives your readers an added incentive to interact with your post, they see that you are upvoting comments and probably noticed that longer better quality written replies receive a larger amount of revenue than short thanks great post replies. This will ensure that people will make a bigger effort to write relevant quality comments to your post.
As an experiment I am going to judge every comment on this post with the uttermost care to ensure that the best comments stay on top, of course Steemit is a true decentralized democratic system where upvotes count towards decisions and Im just one person with a 0.21$ comment upvote and many others have much larger voting power than myself so its not going to be a biased centralized decision but a concensus. I urge you all to engage in comment writing in this post and make sure to read and upvote any other bloggers that are voicing an opinion regarding this to make sure that the best comment stays on top.
Great post by @klye yesterday with a comment contest as well =
Hope you enjoyed reading this post if you wish to retweet click the link below, all upvotes, follows and comments greatly apreciated as always, wishing you all a fantastic Sunday!
Hello @mallorcaman
What a wonderful post you made today, you get smarter all the time I see ;-)
I will now prove that what you say is 100% true!
When I told my good friend @ramta that I did not know what to write about here on Steemit he told me to start comment on other peoples post and vote when they did reply.
So I did exactly that. I could not belive what started to happen. I have been treated so nicely by my fellow Steemians and have made a lot of Steem Power.
To this day I have not been writing one singel blog-post, only comments and reply. I have 234 followers and a lot of Steem Power.
I hope everybody on Steemit read your post today.
Have a nice day everybody!
You guys are totally amazing. I hope to meet you both in person day, It feels good to finally make some decent posts battling depression is much harder than some might imagine. The last few days I have started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wishing you a great evening!!
Hi again @mallorcaman
Thank you so much for all the blessings. It is always nice talking to you ;-)
You just stay on Mallorca and we come to visit you sooner or later.
Im all excited for that day to arrive, thats very encouraging. We will celebrate in a nice way and I can show you the nicest places on the island :)
I do it on all mine. I think that is a nice thing to show that you reward decent comments add well as acknowledge them as well. Top notch tip!
Obviously most of us know that interacting with comments and upvoting them accordingly is usefull, I just thought this post would be a good reminder and incentive for people not to forget good blogging habbits :)
From my own experience of up-votes on comments it is anything but obvious to most posters.
Yes indeedy! :0)
I realized that from the start. Engaging into discussions in comments section not only brings more opinions and quality conversations, but it helps both the author and the commenters to earn rewards and make the post more interesing. :) Thank you for sharing this. Enjoy sunday!
Well said, @mallorcaman
A comment is also a post.
Focus on the user. All else will follow.
Why its worth viewing every comment as a post, even the great post ones.
You value people.
You can learn new things, new ideas.
Many times, a well thought out comment amplifies your message, your thoughts.
Regular commenting is having a regular conversation with people. You can make Dubai your neighbourhood living in Dublin, Ireland. I've had invitations to visit Pretoria, RSA & Hamburg, Germany thanks to a few Steemit comments.
Prompts people to want to deal with you, rather than tipping you out of charity. when you beg for an upvote.
Trading upvotes is gaming the system. While whale-to-whale, this may work much like Rothschild inbreeding. For newbies, whose votes are a fraction of a penny, please upvote me, I upvoted you is a waste of time.
I just had to 100% for this great colourfull comment, basically a post in a reply. Your amazing @nigelmarkdias funny I was thinking of you just today :)
Thank you, @mallorcaman
A few questions on the value of the upvote:
1. I've noticed that the value of my upvote sometimes goes down even when the SP is at a higher percentage.
0.06 at about 70% SP, 0.05 at 85% SP. What determines the value of the vote?
2. With HF19, how many votes are recommended per day. I understand that today the ideal number of upvotes is 40 or less per day.
Clever thoughts! Thanks, resteemed, upvoted, following you! Have a wonderful Day, Mallorcaman!
Thanks for cheering me up, a ver happy energy and overly generous reply. I wish you the very best day ever @crypto-p followed back
Great advice! I know from my own experience that I feel more motivated when I see an author actively reply to comments and/or upvote them. It's a nice gesture to reward and interact with the readers that help posts become successful. Unfortunately, I'm at a stage where I do not have that much voting power yet, so I can't instantly upvote comments or posts with x amount of cents, but aiming to get there!
Writing great comments as you know is a great way to get rewarded. Im sure that if you keep pushing like we all did back in our day you will become a success story on here like there has been many. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great Sunday!
Thanks for the encouraging words! I've only been around for a week, but so far I've learned quite a bit about Steemit and read interesting articles in all kinds of niches. I also managed to get followers and upvotes, so far a pretty good week, I will definitely keep pushing, thanks :-)
Keep at it, it took me quite a while to realize the full potential of steemit, But once you start to figure it out you really feel like you belong to something amazing. Thanks for taking the time to reply
Hi @mallorcaman, I agree with you 100%, I believe every comment deserves an up-vote, even if you don't always agree with the view given, like you say you can give a lower percentage vote.
Ive basically been doing this or trying to for the last several days, It really organizes your replies in a very nice way according to relevance. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Upvoted your reply ofc :)
Thanks for your reply
I do not upvote coomments very often but i always answer every one ! I wish my voting power was unlimited so i can do this :)
Thats why using reduced voting voter applies very well to comment upvoting. I used 51% on your comment :) thanks for taking the time have a great Sunday!
Thank you very much but i vote over 200 timse every day so even with reduse das not work :)
I never thought to give some of the comments a smaller vote dpending on how relevant they are. my vote is only worth 4 cents but thats enough to control where on my post the comments are, until or unless its get upvoted by other people. but then it deserves it I guess. Thanks for sharing!
Ive been doing it for some time, to ensure that the best comments are on top. Before my vote was only worth 5 cents but now I have more margin to sort a larger amount of comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and have a great evening
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.