SteemitTalentCompetition Winners Announced!

The 1st ever #steemittalentcompetition has concluded...forever?
It took us two weeks, multiple posts, and a few good laughs, but we got there! With only three entrants into the competition, we are proudly giving away three prizes to those who chose to throw caution to the wind and share themselves with us.
Because of the low turnout, despite having a fairly popular reception with our first post, we have decided not to run the competition until further notice. @rhi-marie and I have been busy trying to build followings here on Steemit, and it's paying off, once we have the attention of a few more STEEMITERS, we may try to run the comp again. If anyone out there still wants to support this idea, please feel free to vote for this post, the winners videos, and to reply in the comment section below. We really did have a good time on our end, and would be happy to host the idea in the future, as we believe there is a lot of potential for some fun, new content to be produced for Steemit. In fact, just look at what we got already:
10 STEEM 3rd place: @fungusmonk for his "funky guitar loop." Kid's got groove! check out his post here
20 STEEM 2nd place: @papa-pepper with his "FLYING A BUMBLEBEE WHILE EATING A SUPER-HOT PEPPER". This man is a Steemit-master-of-content. Check out his post here
35 STEEM 1st place: @lorddominik007 with his "Animation and guitar playing". This video is just. Wow. Check out the winning post here!!!
It may take us a few days to get the STEEM to the winners, but rest assured it is on the way! Thanks to all for the support and entries, and a special thanks to @jamtaylor, @t3ran13 and @anca3drandom for their generous donations to help fund the winners!
I still had more talents that I found. I was really hoping that you'd do another one, or two , or three. Maybe it will just take a bit for this contest to pick up steem. Perhaps this post and the payouts from it will help it build some momentum.
I say run another one, have it go for two weeks, and let's see what can become of it.
Personally, I'm honored to be a winner and appreciated the competition. I'm glad people found my entry interesting and entertaining. I guess most had never seen anything like it. Thanks again for the opportunity!
Wow, thank you very much, that's like the first time I ever won something haha. :)
Run another one! :)