What Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said about the entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela

in #steemit6 years ago

Cambiar a españolNicolás Maduro said on Monday that Venezuela will not enter any foreign soldier, and that to do so, there is an armed force capable of defending the Republic.
"With this show of humanitarian aid, they want to make the world see that Venezuela can not, Venezuela does not have to beg anyone, Venezuela can, they want to humiliate the people of Venezuela," he said.
"What if they are entering through Cúcuta. Here in Venezuela is not going to enter anybody, not even an invading soldier, wherever he comes from, or is it that we do not have an armed force with enough capacity to defend Venezuela? "He said.
He stressed that he has suffered a very strong psychological warfare through social networks.
"The psychological war that we have seen in recent days is abnormal, because of social networks that have already invaded us, that are entering through Cúcuta," he said.
Juan Guaidó, interim president of Venezuela, informed last Saturday that the humanitarian aid to the country, one of the key points of his regular speech, will enter through Cúcuta, (Colombia); Brazil and one of the islands near the coasts.


Food is definately what they need in VEnezuela, I am going th ere in May, I hope things ar enormal by then.

if the food is what is most needed👍

  • Wait and when you come, all the problems are solved