My Journal, My Thoughts > 3 < Pay Attention To The Signs

in #steemit8 years ago

Numbers are everywhere. Everyday I see numbers and when I begin to see repeating numbers, I can feel them speaking to me. Each number holds a vibration, which is amplified when they are repeated.
77C521BF-6EA6-4B8D-8862-F0DB7C9885D9.JPG picture of my very 1st poetry book, Mystic Moon, you can purchase it here purchase it here

Our subconscious takes in a lot of information every time we are out in a city or town, but especially a city. There are signs, a lot of cars, stores and they all usually have a number somewhere. License plates, addresses, produce.. numbers are everywhere. For the last 2 weeks I keep seeing 222. It's happening like 5 times a day.

Today I was at my part time job and a butterfly came right inside while I was at the door. I saw it fluttering around outside and I was just in awe. Anytime I see a butterfly I feel like a child again. Then the butterfly came right to me, and as I reached my hand out to see if it would land, it left. Now that I am writing this, I feel like that butterfly was really speaking to me. It was telling me to leave and follow it. Wow. I did not realize that until I started typing this out. IMG_3830.JPG

That was my ah ha moment. It all makes sense now. I had a dream while in Costa Rica that I quit my job because I decided to pursue writing full time. I know this is so risky but I know I was born to be a writer. My mom has told me that so many times. I never listened. When I switched my major from journalism to marketing sophomore year of college, she wasn't too happy. She told me I was making a mistake and going down the wrong path. Looking back now I realize she was right when it came to writing, that is what I am meant to be doing. Yet if I didn't go down the path I chose, would I have the level of understanding I have right now? How would my life have been different if I stayed interning at VIBE throughout college or at another magazine? All I know is that I am right here, right now and I am thankful I have gone through everything that I did. Especially the pain because it taught me so much. And even when it hurts sometimes, I remember how strong I am because I made it through.


Peace and love to you all. If you enjoyed my post, please upvote it and follow me to stay up to date with my adventures + thoughts. Keep on steeming :)
