Conversion of SBD to Bitcoin is Discouraging/ STEEMIT Debit Card is Needed
Few hours ago,
I did not have any cash and I wanted to buy pall mall superslims blue..
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The reason why I exchanged 11 SBD to Bitcoin via Blocktrades to can use my Xapo Debit Card..

At the time of exchange the price of 1 SBD was 0.94$ and the price of
1 BTC was 4380.00$..
Due the high fees and the fluctuation on the price of SBD and BTC..
I recieved in my debit card only 0.001BTC..
So, I bgt my cigarette using my BTC debit card with this 0.001BTC..
* Around 10$ and must be only 4$..*
is discouraging and highly frustrating.
STEEMIT Debit Card must be Implemented Soon.
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"The conversion of SBD to bitcoin is discouraging and highly frustrating." I totally agree with you! I tell my story:
I was very angry and frustrated yesterday. The reason: I converted my 40 steem to BTC (I used my Blockchain wallet), then wanted to exchange it to euro immediately and they asked for a second code. Whaaaat? How can I get one? It was working without this second sms-code some month ago, and there was no problem. How could I get it?
I exchange very small amounts, because I cannot afford myself much more yet. The other problem is the high transaction fee. A STEEM debit card would be great to avoid bitcoin and exchange steem to euros.
Thanks for support and resteem..
Let us hope that A STEEM debit card will be in use soon..
Have a great day..
I'm looking forward...!!!
Such steem card is really needed. There are high fees of bittrex and we can not afford these fees and btc conversion charges. I appreciate your idea @lordoftruth.
Cred ca esti primul Steemian care isi cumpara tigari cu SBD!😉
I agree that the fees are extremly high and something have to be done about it. A easy way to convert Steem or Steem Dollars straight in usd... we need to skip the btc transaction!
But all this will take time!
O zi frumoasa!😉
Cu placere! Ma bucur sa vad ca sunt romani aici pe Steemit si din ce in ce mai multi. Felicitari de asemeni ptr Reputation Level... sper ca intr-o buna zi sa ajung si eu la fel.
Keep up the good work and always Steem On!😉
If you stopped using blocktrades it would be a start. If you started vaping and cut the cost it would be even better. But I agree -converting to btc makes no sense.
Oh man you went there with the vape. Lol. It saves me a ton. Plus I make my own juice cost less than $1 for a 30 ml bottle about 82 cents to be exact. ;). Off topic I know.
Yeah. Just don't buy the hottest hardware every week. It was a revelation to get rid of the stinkies. Nicotine is a wonderful chemical.
I've been rockin the Smok tfv8 with the realeux 2/3 for over a year with no issues, just awesome flavor and huge clouds. Ha ha ha.
Hey man
Steem debit card sound nice and will make a lot of sense. The conversation rate has not been impressive to me too and i have been thinking of how to get better rate and return on SBD.
I support this, thanks for sharing
They could do a stand alone card but if you have a handful of alt coins the best choice would be something like TenX or Monaco (once they're up and running) Steem would really benefit from a deal with one of these crypto to card companies.
great information ..thanks for sharing
work nice and attract friends, upvote you @lordoftruth
Good job. We want Steem cards. :)
Yeah, i think a steem debit card is really important, it will hel0 reduce the exchange cost to paper currency,,, with easy steps too