in #steemit3 years ago

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Who doesn't know this famous plant?

Personally, I am a big fan of this plant and it's products.

It provide lots of health benefits to human:

  • it has lots of benefits for our health because it can help in controlling blood sugar
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • rheumatic fever
  • acid indigestion
  • ulcers
  • diabetes

Is that all? No there's more!

Women commonly use this gel as beauty product than food.
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Because it is proven to be rich in antioxidants that penetrate deep into our skin layer, it can repair and replenish our skin thus making it glow and makes skin fair.

not only that:

  • it helps in treating different kind of skin conditions
  • helps in preventing unwanted wrinkles
  • for treating sunburn
  • use for hair growth

Aloe vera plant can also be eaten but one must know the proper way preparing it, aside from we know that skin is removed and only the gel of the stalk is consumed. The easiest way of getting the gel is to peel the skin then scrape the meat inside. Others also make aloe vera juice, and I really love the taste of bottled Aloe vera juice, surely, very refreshing.


So, if you haven't tried consuming and enjoying all these benefits of this plant, now should be the time looking, trying for it.
