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RE: @ned - are we on the verge of a Steemtrain wreck? Answer NO - BUT THERE ARE STILL VALID CONCERNS

in #steemit8 years ago

So, a virtual machine with 10 cores and 50gb of ram, that was doing just fine running a witness, and 3 months ago was running an RPC fine, and, a Ryzen7 1700, which I established I had to update a kernel to fix that problem, both somehow cannot replay the full chain, for an RPC, BOTH RUNNING UBUNTU 16.04, LATEST.

Prove you are not lying by taking a person, who has not had any dealings with you in the past, and helping them get an RPC up and running.

  • Because bittrex is having a problem.

  • Poloniex is basically refusing to deal with it anymore, they got bigger fish to fry.

  • Tradequik, over 48 hours 'routine, automated maintenance

  • Shapeshift quit dealing with Steem at least 2 weaks ago.

So, stop lying. What keeps your RPC up and running, and why is it that me, and 4 major, high end operations, cannot keep a steemd running?

Let us know what the secret is, or admit that you have much more fancy hardware, paid for with your premined stake, than you are admitting to.

I know enough about sysadmin to know, that your front end, could be bumping traffic to any number of backends. You could have over 10 Steemd nodes running, on a failover, and nobody would know, unless they could monitor the in-and-out on your server.


@furion thinks the following, which supports your hypothesis:

Full rpc steemd nodes are a challenge to run. Currently, they require expensive servers with 128GB of RAM, and regular baby-sitting. To my knowledge, there are no open solutions for managing steemd clusters . Such software would be much appreciated, not only by developers, but also exchanges (currently, both Bitfinex and Poloniex have STEEM&SBD deposits/withdrawals frozen, as they are failing to tame resource hungry steemd [2]).

No wonder I was having trouble on a 50Gb xeon VPS with 10 cores and a 1.2tb SSD. When I started, back in November, this was still a bit difficult but it only needed about 32gb. In 6 months since, that requirement has quadrupled. If it quadruples again, there isn't a computer on the planet that sits inside one box, that can run this thing.

I'm not gonna hold my breath for an apology from these pigs who have been blatantly lying through their teeth.

Graphene, so great, it needs 128gb to run a 1 year old blockchain.

So, who's lining up to be part of Dan's next project?

Yes, no wonder, I see why you're bitter about this! It does make me feel sick, and the lies are really disappointing!

If EOS stores a more sensible amount of info in the blockchain though, it could be much more sustainable even if it's very similar underlying technology. Don't you agree?

I reckon he's probably learnt his lesson (technically), moved out and done something with a genuinely better architecture, though I don't know how good of course, and trust is pretty important!

Yeah, maybe he learned the error, but his narcissism prevents him from admitting his error.

Also, if EOS borrows from Ethereum, then it uses multiple backend data stores and not just one giant monolith. Different types too.

Hey lok1! We at TradeQwik were performing some upgrades across servers and adding a few( 4 new). STEEM was not the reason for our routine maintenance. Thanks man

Don't hesitate to talk about how it is running RPC nodes, if you please.

"Prove you are not lying" (...) "So, stop lying." (...) "what the secret is" (...) "admit that you have much more fancy hardware, paid for with your premined stake" (...) "I know enough about sysadmin" (...)

I'm sorry, I can't help you. That would be an illegal medical practice.

I've explicitly offered (and provided) help to people that needs API nodes for their businesses and reported on my own node status multiple times in my witness logs.

Right. So furion is lying, according to you. 3 days waiting for a replay on a 50gb machine with real SSD. It was running pretty good 6 months ago.

Also, help would be if you did even half the job @jesta already did with the only half way adequate guide to setting up and running one. If it wasn't special tricks you were doing, then why don't you publish exactly what you tell people to do. You know, like, your config.ini. Precise specs of your servers, and who manages the physical hardware.

Also, euthanasia is the illegal medical practise. You imply murder in what you just said, not a medical procedure.

Just so you know, I am screenshotting this. It looks like a veiled death threat to me.

Seriously? That is what you see there?
Are you seriously screenshootting content that was written on the blockchain?
You are insane*
(*) that's my subjective point of view, unfortunately, I'm not a doctor so I can't provide you a medical advice = "that would be an illegal medical practice"
Please seek your help among doctors, not witnesses.

Good luck.

Well, my non-professional medical opinion is that you are a sociopath with borderline personality disorder what I term 'cryptomania', like much of the rest of the preminer crowd here, Dan included.

What you don't realise is that you people have by any reasonable moral standard, committed heinous crimes against many people who have been duped into committing their money and time to this platform, all so you could milk the rewards pool with your inside tricks.

Please seek your help amongst fancy lawyers, with your ill gotten gains.

an Illegal medical practice, what lobotomy? euthanasia? what did you mean? Or just offering your medical opinion? Based on what qualifications and research?

Also, it's pretty rich coming from you giving a damn about the law when you and many others in the premine group are in clear breach of the Truth in Securities Act 1933, and most of you are in that jurisdiction.