Steemit Is Becoming More Like Youtube, Is It A Bad Thing?

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemit shouldn't be equal to Youtube, and it should never be! Let's see which platform is better!!

We all love Steemit, and some of us watch Youtube. Two completely different sites and how they are presented. I've been using Steemit for a while, just like all of you, and I've noticed a subtle similarity that Steemit is becoming more and more like Youtube, but its in a good way. Of course, this will be completely based off my opinion.

#1 - Content

Steemit - Blogs 

Steemit never fails to amaze with all the content on the blogs, whether it can be ranging from a few words, to an essay, to a book, and to a video (linked from an external page, duh!). Steemit is extremely diverse with the contents that it can produce. There's no limit to what the people of Steemit can create! What does Steemit lack is the ability to find post that actually interest you, unlike Youtube. (I know you can search posts with the tags.

Youtube - Videos

Youtube has been around for a while, and content creators over there upload videos, whether is be on a daily basis or weekly. Despite it having only one kind of presentation to the audience. The creator makes the difference whether or not the video is helpful, boring, entertaining, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, Youtube has clickbait thumbnails. Lastly, Youtube, enforces guidelines to be follows or else bad things happen to your channel. Though, Steemit has the same type of guidelines, the punishment is less severe. Afterall, Youtube 

Round 1 : Steemit 1 - Youtube 0

#2 - Layout

Steemit - Simplistic Layout Design, But Effective 

As mentions in the title, Steemit is still very new to have a great layout. Of course, the developers have to work on the algorithm in Steemit before they can make it fancy to attract people everywhere in large quantities. Though, Steemit is easy to navigate, not as easy as Youtube (more advanced). But, Steemit is slowly going to catch up.

Youtube -  Easy To Navigate, Very Effective 

Come on, Youtube's been here for a long time, if they didn't have easy navigational pages, I'd probably wouldn't be using it. Nonetheless, I can pretty much get anywhere on Youtube quite easily, whether it be finding a video or finding a specific channel, all thanks to filters! Come on Steemit, I know you'll be adding filters in the long run!

Round 2 : Steemit 1 - Youtube 1

#3 - Options 

Steemit - Not That Many

Let's be real, there aren't many options for us to choose to customize this web into the way we want it, yet. (i.g. User Interface, Options to Submit a Story, etc). As simplistic as Steemit, it'll thrive on the simplicity of posts. Such as videos making thousands or dollars, a few words. 

Youtube - Damn, There's a LOT 

I mean, you can even make Youtube look like Netflix, no joke! That aside, Youtube can pretty much do the majority of things that Steemit can't do, such as  options on your posts, user interface, etc. Even Youtube gives easter eggs on some occassions! I don't want to get into the specifics of it. Long story short, Youtube is very optional.

Round 2 : Steemit 1 - Youtube 2

#4 - User Retention/Hate On Content

Steemit - Where They At Though? 

Serious, where did the user retention go? As stated in dantheman's post, user retention seems to have declined over that pass week. Despite having 80k+ users on Steemit, there should be a slight growth in posts + replies, right? That would be right, but there are so many bot accounts, unfortunately. Most likely declining because they're expecting to earn money very easily, like Steemit says when you first sign up, then give up after a week or so when they realize most of their posts only earn $0.01. They just give up. In terms of hate, I will say that Steemit isn't the most cheerful place, but it isn't down the dumps either, so Steemit is a pretty positive place. But, user-retention doesn't matter if it comes to blogs does it? After all, what you do if click a button and hopefully, you'll earn a few cents.

Youtube - Based off Content Created Literally, Youtube users judge the content based on what it is. For example, if a hated youtuber makes a video, theres a higher possibility with a high like to dislike. I'm not trying to name any content creators. User retention on Youtube is the hardest thing, but not impossible, if you're video is entertaining, the viewer will keep watching. But 'entertaining' is a bit vague isn't it? So, if you're making the view laugh and whatnot, you're keeping the view interested in how ever many minutes the video is. Self-explanatory. But, there's bound to be a hater in every video that was created.

Round 4 : Steemit 2 - Youtube 2 

#5 Money Making

Steemit - Click of A Button By Someone Worthy This may seem hard, there are so many posts and users but so few whales, and I doubt that they have the time to look at every new posts. However, if you're consistent enough by posting daily, such as @kaylinart or @acassity , you're bound to earn money whether it be a few weeks or months. Money making on Steemit is worth it if you can sacrifice some time and patient, and it'll reward you with money.

Youtube - Ads No one watches ads, shocker, I know. Everyone skips ads, and even install ads so that they don't have to watch the ads. Though, that is how youtubers make money, by ads and whether or not you decide to watch the video or not. It's tough. But finding enough people just to watch your videos are hard enough already. AND, if you didn't know yet, they're enforcing ad revenue policies now, and that's hitting the majority of the large youtuber's hard, like really hard.

Final Round 5 : Steemit 3 - Youtube 2

In the end, I believe that, in some aspects, Steemit is better than Youtube, in CERTAIN WAYS of course. In addition, this is completely entitled to my opition, so leave your thoughts on this and have a good day!