🎆 Woot! I Just Got My Mum On Steemit - Please Welcome @aussiesteem 🎆
So after eleven long months of preaching to my family and friends, I have managed to get a few to drop by onto steemit but few have stayed for long or caught the steemit bug.
Most of all I have tried to convince my mother to join steemit, I knew that the platform was destined for great things and I wanted her to benefit - especially given the hard times both, her and our family have been through in the past decade.
Finally late last night my mother @aussiesteem took a leap and made her first ever post on steemit, and I couldn't be happier - because I know what this means for her and her future.

If she continues here, there is no reason she won't eventually experience the same success @ausbitbank and I have in recent times - but as I always say it takes time and effort, it won't just happen immediately.
I recently did a post for new users, that seems to have helped out a heap of new users and now even my mum.
Starting on steemit can be really daunting to new users and those who are on the fence about joining, some just aren't sure what it is or how to do things on here - I want to find a way to get all new users and those who want to join but aren't to sure, to feel confident that they can join and be welcomed on the platform.
Some new users have never posted their work for the world to see and others have no real internet presence, steemit is reaching out to people like these in a way no other social media platform has in the past - this makes for some amazing possibilities.
Given that my mum is new to steemit I would love it for anyone who can to drop by and welcome her @aussiesteem to the platform, let's really show her and others what steemians are truly capable of doing.
I'm going to donate the proceeds of this post to my mum, because I know she and my grandfather desperately need a new washing machine - no one should be hand washing these days.
I am so excited for her to really get started on here and start to post some amazing content, I know she can succeed here with time and effort - so let's give her some encouragement to keep at it!

Who do you want to join steemit the most?:

Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
My Mom's on steem all the time :).
That's so awesome, mine just did her second post today - I'm so proud she's giving it a real go :D
My Mom's on Steemit too. She is 80, soon to be 81 and loves the Steemit comunity. Cheers to your Mom!
That's awesome to hear, I love how varied the ages of users are - were so much more welcoming than other online communities.
We want people to thrive not hide, cheers to your mum too :D
Hey does she know where the chat button is?
I, too, have a mum, so this really resonates with me.
Bahaha man love it!
Srsly though. I read her piece on McDonald's in Japan; she's a natural story teller.
The Australian takeover of steemit is coming together nicely.
Thanks bub, love you too. Still trying to open the chat window lol
Ahh lmao mum, now people might start to realise what I've been up against lol.
I know you can do this I have faith, just keep trying - it will open I swear!
What is curation again???
Curation is voting and through extension resteeming (to maximise potential payouts through exposure) Check out this post by @liberosist for a more in depth explanation.
Will do...but preliminary warning the temperature has dropped on the Sunshine Coast, I just had to put on hat, scarf and gloves to go to the IGA with your sister. I wasn't kidding in my post I do not function well below 20C.
Really freakin cool ^^
I always update my mom on crypto, she gives me full support :)
That's awesome my mum has been aware of my crypto ramblings for years, but now she sees the power behind it :)
Nice, touching post, Now following your mum.
Thanks so much, just happy she is here - steemit has the power to change lives :)
She's good!
Yeah she has four degrees, so she can word pretty good :P
I'm now following your mum.
lmao that just sounds so dirty, but thanks :P
lol. typical aussie, dirty minded woman. got to love aussie sense of humor.
Thanks for that stocka.
hehe yeah ;)
Hey steady on this is the most action I've had in ages lol
You probably thought it too, lol :)
Upvoted for new washing machine :)
Thank you I know she will appreciate it, it's winter here now so hand washing is cold work too.
Cheers for the support :)
Thanks so much, I really, really do need a new washing machine.
Awesome! It would take a lot to convince my mom to get on board. I'm following her and you. Thanks also for your contributory post for beginners such as myself!
Thanks I have been doing a lot of convincing lol, and it has taken ages but now she's here and finally experiencing steemit I think she will be hooked - at least I hope so :)
No worries, I'm so happy that the guide is helping so many new users get their footing - Cheers :D