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in #steemit4 years ago

Make money on Tipestry


Tipestry is a microblogging social media site almost the same to twitter where you can share a short sentence similar to tweets posts followed by a link to the posted article.


At tipestry, the person who shares the short sentence should share a link redirecting to the short post and should include at least 5 tags so that when other users click on those tags, they will be redirected to the link of the short post-sentence.


When other users benefit from your posted link, they can decide to tip you with several cryptocurrencies including the tipestry token.

Tipping cryptocurrencies

At tipestry, the cryptocurrencies in which other users can tip the contributors may include the tipestry token, bitcoin, dogecoin, and ethereum.

Tipping contributors

In order to tip top contributors, you must have any of the tipping cryptocurrencies in your tipestry account. You can either deposit or use the earned tip cryptocurrency to tip other contributors.

Joining tipestry

If you have been an active twitter contributor and your tweets have not been earning you anything, I think tipestry is the best platform for you. Join tipestry and start earning income from your short post with a redirected link when your short post is being tipped by other tipestry users. Here is the tipestry link;


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