#spud4steem 7 day countdown
The month of May is flying along at a great rate of knots, this time next Monday it will be June 1st 2020 in New Zealand and #spud4steem will be underway - mark this down on your calendar
What can i win?
The list of Prizes for participating are very impressive - take a look at this...

What are the rules?
Have a look at this post which has the guidelines for entering
Huge shout out to these wonderful sponsors
Will you join us on 1 June?
I am @kiwiscanfly
check this
Thanks i will check that out later today after work :)
Hey @kiwiscanfly what kind of post do i have to make to participate in #spud4steem i mean does it have to a some certain topic on 1st june or any random post?
just make a post saying you are going to enter #spud4steem, help promote it please
Then on 1st June powerup some steem and make a post about it, show before and after screenshots of your wallet and use the tag #spud4steem
Hope this helps :)
Thank you for your response @kiwiscanfly i understand now. 1st june of UTC right?
Yep :)
Thanks bud:)
Hai @kiwiscanfly..
Saya ikut ya...
Penasaran ada apa gerangan di 1 Juni.🤝😁
Hi @kiwiscanfly, you have 1 day before us in Venezuela (more than 12 hours), How I can Know the exactly hour to do my post on 1 June?
You just do your post based on your countries time/date for 1 june
when its june 1 in your country you can power up
that´s oh, thanks..!
I will also participate in this POWER-UP-DAY.