-_- SPAM section or COMMENT section?!? -_-

in #steemit7 years ago


Hello Hello!

Spam is looking much more as some viruses today.

Even tho you are your own anti-virus, some people just do not get it, stop!

Is me, flagging anyone once do anything useful?


But some are just relentless with it. When I see a "fraud" or have a feeling I am a victim of copy/paste I try my best to first talk with the person.

  • Warning! DELETE THIS!

  • Get a flag otherwise


"Fuck you" was kinda the worst thing I have seen while being here one Steemit.

Even people who are in the "DownVote" WARS, use better words than "Fuck you". @steemitblogs you look like a nice girl. Try to control yourself, especially if I try to help. This is not a ZOO.

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I had to flag her multiple time because she did not stop spamming other people. AGAIN the following does not matter as much as the cool content does! There are more cases but this one I will remember for some time!


Some folks apologize and delete the comment, I do check on them btw, in a few day to see if they are on old tracks. Most of them are trying to comment as much as possible. But be as short as possible to make the most comments.


That is still SPAM, even more spam!

Now you have a few ways to do it. But do you realize that some people get life changing money for creativity in the comment section day in and day out. Why would you wanna be the sucker who posts:

  • Nice post I like it

  • Cool post bro

  • I love it follow me

And other stupid words you're fingers type. The problem is, YOU ARE NOT READING THE STUFF! Sad... And you want that someone reads yours? GTFO :)

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Some folks like dolphins and whales got soo much going on life wise, posting super great things and they can't really track all of the stupidity going on around them. I don't blame them. Funny how some minnows are light years away from others and props to them! Really!

Until next time, take this thank you for just checking it out, upvoting or resteeming! Much love and bye!
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Ah, the value of an intelligent and productive comment. I too shake my head at some of the drivel I read here. Language and translation barriers I understand, but genuine lack of initiative is high on my list of peeves. Thank you for laying the foundation for a timely vent. Steem On!

Yes, true... Also do not get how some people go full beast mode on it, and they know they make one step to being 10x better!

No problem sir I feel I need 2 :)


Why follow someone who has nothing to say? Is this not a community for content curators?

Mahh man(Denzel Washington voice:)

Goodluck with the quest of changing bum souls. Too many here. Blame the hustle for attention for it :)

Nah I wanna change as many as possible :) Some of them are cool people, just wrong potential!

And yeah I love trolls anyway, welcome :P

Imagine the internet without trolls :)

I love trolls, I just don't feed them. Don't feed the trolls. Lol

Freedom of speech mannnnnnn.

:)) whats is @freedom anyway?

Great post :) thank you

This post gets a 0.38 % upvote thanks to @kid4life - Hail Eris !

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 1.47 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @kid4life. Vote for Aggroed!


Christ-insanity is for the weak-minded. Christ-insanity is such a joke. With all the claims that the biblical people existed and what they done, there still is no proven facts or evidence of their existence. It was planned out that way along time ago by the Kike. To say that all these great people vanished into thin air and became spirits was brilliant thinking by the Kike. There is no way stupid people can question spirituality. Fools and sheeple alike have been lead down this suicidal path for centuries. This is why the Kike is so powerful and a threat to the white man's existence. Christ-insanity-turn the other cheek,love your enemies.This religion was created to get the white man to practice suicidal genocide on his own flesh and blood.(2) Christians go on about heathens and pagans being evil people. In reality the Jew is the true evil one. The Jew is the one who created Christianity. (1)Religion was created to weaken racial barriers and destroy the races so there would only be one Jew race. This is how the Jew survives but it is up to the white race to wake up and build back the racial barriers to where nature intended them to be.


The Jew preys on fools and sheeple. The Kike is a great propagandist. He uses his newspapers and electric Jew to turn people against each other, against the Jew's enemies and promote his social decay. The Jew is a war monger because it makes him money.(3) He'll lump everyone together to be patriots and fight the Jew cause against his enemies. Then once his war is over ,he'll go back to his usual money making scams and mongrelizing gentiles. It is sad to see people fall for the same tricks time and time again just because they get blindsided with Jew lies and ignore history. The Jew can only be stopped by cutting him off from the vast supply of gentile flesh and blood.

Fools come from associating with the Jew. Don't be a sheepish fool, wake up and get the Jew out of your life. Accepting a Jew's treachery is playing into the Kike's hands. The Jew wants to lump everybody together just he can weaken their moral thoughts and trick them into helping the Jew. The Jew enjoys such slave practices such as integration, Christianity, taxation and money lending.(5) The Jew is a professional bandit.(4) Plus, Jew lawyers are always out to take advantage of people through corrupt laws and regulations. Then there are the Jew doctors who are always looking profit off of bogus ZOG health care plans. Don't dumb yourself down by accepting Jew concoctions and scams.

Sheeple are the one's who fall into lockstep with the kike demands. The kike's demands are one world nations under kikes for which they stand, integration of the masses which leads to mongrelization which leads to more sheeple for the kike to enslave.The sheeple are told to tune in to their electric Jew for more suicidal guidance from their Kike masters.

The sheeple of the world are so caught up in their Bible studies that they have no response or objection to the kike and his perversions. They'll let the kike misguide their children and allow him to weaken natural morals so he can manipulate gentile offspring to participate in sick and twisted acts against nature. Sheeple can't understand why their children's health is deteriorating or why they can't behave and act civilized. With this lack of perception they continue to let their offspring run around with niggers and muds. These same kids are targeted by the kike to be violated and brainwashed. Tolerance leads to a world full of dysgenic misfits who only respond to kike lies and perversions.(6) De-programming and truthful education is the only way to get through to the sheeple of the world.

Then there's the patridiotic sheeple come out of hiding and support the kike controlled nation based on propaganda and no regard for the truth. All these sheeple continue on generation after generation in support of their kike masters demands and wishes.


As he began to look more and more religious to the world he has cunningly gotten support from the sheeple just as he did through his shady businesses practices of his past.(7) His trickery has allowed him to come out of hiding more and more to unleash his perversions and crookedness on the world once again. No one questions him because he has added a "victim" status to his so-called "chosen one" state.

As the kike has wore out his welcome in his "allies' turned enemies'" land he has had to go into hiding. No longer could he be immoral in society. He had to paint himself as a chosen one and become a religious figure.

The Jew has no god but insists everyone else that they should follow one or parish. So everyone follows their false prophets while Jews seek to enslave and destroy the God driven sheeple. The sheeple insist that their historical holy books are accurate even though there is no archeological evidence. To spark enthusiasm in the sheeple the Kike promotes there's evidence but it's in a forbidden foreign land. So the Kike then encourages sheeple to turn against a country and go to war so they can unveil the so-called evidence. To do this the Kike has to create a disaster and blame the sheeple's soon to be enemies. So everyone is killing each other in the name of God and the Kikes sit back unscathed and count their stock and profits obtained from their slaves or enemies.(8) All Kike concocted religions should be exposed and dealt with accordingly.