Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 7

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi this is the seventh part of, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"

The Power of Gratitude


Source: Pixabay
This is one of the easiest and in my opinion the main key to being successful with using the Law of Attraction to attract your soul mate. It’s all about raising your energy vibrations and feeling good.

You have to feel grateful for what you already have. Be grateful that you are surrounded by loved ones, it may not be your perfect soul mate yet, but you have family and friends that care deeply for you.

There is always something to be grateful for, and it could just be as simple as waking up that morning, that the sun is shining or that it is raining.

You must always be grateful for what you are about to receive too. Be grateful that you have found the perfect soul mate that respects and loves you for who you are. This makes universe realize you are ready to manifest your desire of having the perfect soul mate.

The more grateful you, the more you will receive and the quicker you will receive what you want to manifest.

All day long from the moment you wake up, keep saying “thank you.” Tell people, thank you for being them, thank you for listening to me, thank you for putting out the bins.

Become aware of the beauty that surrounds you every day, be thankful for the beautiful trees, flowers, and animals.

Get into the habit of writing in a gratitude diary, at the end of each day. Start with at least 5 things that you have been grateful for and build up to at least 10 things.

For example, “I am grateful for my lovely car that got me safely to work today.” You can even be grateful for things you haven’t manifested yet. “I am grateful for the loving relationship, and I have with my soulmate.” Remember it must always be in the present tense as if you already have it.

Always be grateful, it’s a simple technique but very powerful in raising your vibrations and creating that good feeling you need to attract your desires.

Taking inspired action

You do need to take action when using the Law of Attraction, not just stating what you want, visualizing, clearing and being grateful.

Once you have done all the good work of raising your vibrations and make yourself feel good, you will start to get little nudges from the universe. You may be inspired to look at your emails, and in the inbox, you see an invitation to an event, something that you may not normally go to on your own, but you feel that it’s just right. Everybody that is there has the same hobbies and passions as you. When you made your list of specifications for your perfect partner, you asked for someone that enjoys the same things as you.

Inspired action is not following a plan that you created for yourself. It is doing the things that suddenly appear, like the feeling you need to ring a certain friend. Who may have just met someone that they want to introduce you to.

Any actions that you take need to feel good. They need to flow, have no blockages. Although you may feel excited about the action, you could also be a little fearful as you feel that it doesn’t match exactly with what you would normally feel comfortable with. Go with the flow and see what happens. Don’t let fear stop you.



Do the exercises yourself:

  • Practice gratitude it's the most powerful tool to using Law of attraction


If you missed the previous posts:

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 2: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 3: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 4: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 5: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 6: Click here



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Trying to help others is so great kezza. I hope everyone finds their soulmate. Keep up the good work.

Thank you