Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques, Part 5

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi this is the fifth part of, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"



Throughout this these Steemit posts you will have noticed that I suggest rewriting statements. Well, these statements are affirmations. Affirmations are what you say and think is the truth about you, whether positive or negative. Affirmations are the way you talk to your subconscious mind and the beliefs that you hold about yourself whether good, bad, true or untrue.
At every moment you are using affirmations. Once you realize this, you will keep yourself in check and keep rewriting your negative affirmations to positive one. When you first start noticing your negative affirmations, they will win against your positive ones, as you have had more practice being negative than positive. As a society, you have been encouraged to be a realist and to not daydream a better life for yourself. It is very common to hear you can’t do something, over and over again, you then start saying this to yourself, then your subconscious mind starts to believe it.

Positive Affirmations

When using the Law of Attraction, you need to change affirmations so that they are positive. You need to change your beliefs so that they are positive and helpful and don’t allow your subconscious mind from blocking you from finding your perfect soul mate.

You need to say your affirmations with great feelings. Not in a monotone voice. You have probably noticed that when you say negative affirmations they have more feelings behind them, that is because you have had more practice at saying them over the years. Don’t despair this can all be changed!

Creating positive affirmations

First off take all your negative thoughts and rewrite them in a positive way.
For example, “I am too fat to find love.” Rewrite, rethink, restate, this instead, “I have the perfect soul mate who loves me for me.”

Always start your affirmations with “I” or “My.” Remember these are about you and not someone else.

Keep them short and simple to remember as you will be repeating them often. You are trying to overcome your negative beliefs about yourself.

Always make them in the present tense, even if is something that hasn’t happened yet, you are telling the universe it has happened, and you believe it. Also, add feelings to your affirmations.
For example, “I feel wonderful as I have found my perfect soul mate.” “I am loving, and I am always surrounded by love.”

Avoid the words “need” or “want,” as these are suggesting that you are waiting for something. The universe likes specifics and speed. If you say, “I want a soul mate,” that is great, but it will not happen as the universe is concentrating on the word “want,” so is waiting for you to decide when you want to have your soul mate, which could be days, months, or years. The simple problem is you are not specific enough.

Once you know how to create the right type of positive affirmations, you need to decide how you deliver your affirmations to the universe.

You can write them down on a card, that you keep with you at all times and keep looking at it.
You can write them down daily, in your journal.
You can say them out loud daily.
You can say them quietly to yourself.
You can look in a mirror and say them out loud.

The more you practice creating, saying and writing positive affirmations you are increasing your energy vibrations. You are also putting yourself in alignment with want you desire. You will also notice that you want to take inspired action. For example, accepting an invitation to a new meetup, whereas before you would have turned the invitation down.


Source: Pixabay


Do the exercises yourself:

  • Write down some positive affirmations on a card. Take this card everywhere with you, look at daily and repeat the affirmations throughout the day


Tomorrow I will talk about clearing your limitating beliefs.

If you missed the previous posts:

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 2: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 3: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 4: Click here



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