Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques, Part 2
Hi this is the second part of, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"

Knowing what you want

Source: Pixabay
Before you can start to manifest your perfect soul mate, you need to know what you want. You need to ask yourself some questions. Do you truly want a partner? Do you want to spend your time with someone else? Do you want to commit and are you open to changes that will occur when you meet your perfect partner? Do you want a soul mate? A soul mate is someone that you have a deep connection with, someone you truly love, and they truly love you despite your faults.
If you can answer yes to these, then you need to decide what you would like to see in your soul mate.
Write it down
The best way to start is with writing down what you think are the best personality traits you would like to see in your soul mate. Are they friendly, open to love, funny, helpful, athletic, adventurous, confident, daring and faithful?
Do you want them to enjoy all the same things as you or have a similar job, or hopes and desires? Can they be your team-mate, can they help you achieve your goals, and you help them achieve theirs.
Look at What you don't want first
It may be easier to look at the things you don’t want in your soul mate first, and them reverse the bad traits and qualities into good ones. Maybe you were poorly treated in the past; perhaps your previous partner was a cheat and this time you want a soul mate that is faithful and supportive. The universe wants specifics before it can manifest the specific partner you desire. You need to focus on the positives and not the negatives here, as the power to create your life is in you, and you only want the best for yourself. For example focus on a faithful partner who loves you for who you are, rather than focusing on someone that cheats on you. So instead of saying, “I want a partner who doesn’t cheat on me,” rephrase the sentence to, “I want a partner who always there for me and stays faithful to me.”

Do the exercise yourself:
- Write down a list of what you want in a soul mate
- Be very specific with what you want
- Only write in a positive way.

Tomorrow I will talk about techniques used for asking for what you want.
If you missed the first post, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1" Click here

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