Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi this is the concluding part, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"


The law of attraction is all around us. It is the law of like attracts like. You can use it to create the perfect life for you and to find your true soul mate.

You need to know techniques to truly harness the power of an abundant life. Using all the techniques in this book will help you achieve anything you wish to manifest including the perfect soul mate.

Know what you want

Knowing what you want, is key. You have to be very specific, although you can change this later on if it doesn’t suit you. Make sure that when you list what you want it is not confused with what you don’t want as you will get them as well. The universe doesn’t listen to the word don’t. So make sure your statements are all positive.


Once you have your specifics down of your perfect soul mate, you need to ask the universe for them. Create a vision board, filled with all things that make you feel good, that creates romantic feelings, images of where you would like to spend time with your soul mate. Put powerful words and statements on your board, like “Love,” “Trust,” and “Caring.”

Have fun and use visualization to see your soul mate in your life already. Play around with different scenarios and different settings but always make sure that your soul mate is already with you and make sure that you believe it too.

Love yourself

You need to fall in love with yourself, accept who you are, and be grateful that others love you, for you. Change your inner dialogue from negative to positive. Avoid saying statements, “I can only be loved if I have the perfect job/body, etc.” To, “I love me for who I am.”


Every statement you think or say is an affirmation. You need to make sure that any affirmation you use to find your true soul mate is positive rather than negative. Make sure that your affirmations start with “I” or “My.” They must always be in the present tense. For example, “I have a wonderful soul mate that treats me with care and love.” Keep them short so they easy to remember, as you will be saying them continually, whether out loud or silently.

Clearing Techniques

There are 3 powerful techniques that you can use, to clear any blockages that could be causing limiting beliefs and stopping you from manifesting your perfect soul mate.

The first one is mindfulness. This is a technique used to align you with the present tense, it to help you to stop worrying about what could happen in the future. It’s to make you feel good about yourself now.

The second one is EFT tapping. Is where you tap on specific points of your face and neck. First, you must setup an affirmation statement. Even though (fill in the blank, with your fear or negative emotion), I choose to deeply and completely accept myself.” Then tap the negative statement first, then change to a positive statement on the third cycle of tapping. See Chapter 5 for the exact technique.

The last clearing technique and probably the simplest is the Ho'oponopono method, and this is where you say four simple statements, that allow you to love and forgive yourself.

For details on these Clearing techniques visit Part 6


Always be grateful for everything you have in your life. Keep saying “thank you,” to everything. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it every night stating all the reasons you have to be grateful. Include the present tense in your gratitude statements even for the soul mate you haven’t manifested yet.

Inspired Action

Take inspired action, whenever the universe gives you little nudges don’t let fear of the unknown stop you. You don’t have to know everything that will and could happen in your life. Become an optimist that is grateful for everything that surrounds you. Accept those invitations that you usually turn down.

In conclusion, the Law of Attraction is always working, whether you like it or not. Why not harvest its wonderful powers to create the best life for you.


If you missed the previous posts:

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 2: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 3: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 4: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 5: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 6: Click here

[Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 7: Click here



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