Finding You True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques, Part 4
Hi this is the fourth part of, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"

Loving yourself
It is important that you do not just want to attract a soul mate so that you feel good about yourself. You already need to feel good about yourself. You need to treat yourself as you would want to be treated by your soul mate, and it needs to be in the here and now, not sometime in the future.
For example, saying statements like the following will not help, “when I have my promotion, I will look for my soul mate.” How will getting your promotion, change you attracting your soul mate? Do you believe that your soul mate will have more respect for you if you had a better job than the one you have now?
Another negative thought could be about your weight, “When I have lost 10 pounds, I will attract more men and find my soul mate.”
You can change this by rewriting your negative statements.
For example, “I love my job, and enjoy the respect I receive from colleagues at work.”
“I love my body and all that it can help me achieve.”
One of the deeper issues of not attracting your soul mate straight away is that you feel that you are not good enough. You may have had people in the past treat you poorly and which has planted a seed that you are not good enough for anything or anyone. You may also be hard on yourself and have a negative outlook on yourself.

Source: Pixabay
You need to love yourself, and you need to be open up to others loving you too. You need to embrace your uniqueness. You need to love everything about you, from your big noise to your curly hair.
You need to forgive both yourself and those that have done wrong to you in the past. The more you hold onto, the less open you will be to the flow of positive energy vibrations, new experiences and love. This is unwanted baggage and emotion, and you need to get rid of it else it will block the abundance and love you can have in your life. It will lower your energy vibration and stop you feeling good about yourself.
To begin forgiving yourself write everything down that you regret doing, read them out and say to yourself, “I forgive myself,” or “I allow myself to forgive me.”
To forgive others, you need to separate the action from the person. You need to forgive them, and you don’t have to speak to them again, in fact, it is best to cut negative people who don’t want the best for you out of your life. The person who has done you wrong has their own issues to deal with, and they may not be happy with themselves and take their pain out on you. Forgive and move on.

Source: Pixabay

Do the exercises yourself:
- Write everything down that you regret doing, read them out and say to yourself, “I forgive myself,” or “I allow myself to forgive me.”
- Forgive others that done wrong to you.

Tomorrow I will talk about the importance of loving yourself.
If you missed the previous posts:
Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1: Click here
Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 2: Click here
Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 3: Click here

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