Eclipse: Great Tribulation Period marked by an "X" of solar eclipses in America

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

...OK, since I am not God, let's just go ahead and call this post "Fiction". But am I the only one who is putting two and two together where it comes to the "once in a hundred years" event known as the Full Eclipse of North America? Fortunately not.

We have seen everything from conspiracy theories to fake news and any and everything on YT and print to keep us in a state of perpetual sleep; but this time we can't be so dismissive, nor can our hearts be so callous.

For such a long book, the Bible doesn't go too far before it talks of solar eclipses and their use in God communicating with us. In fact, the very first book of the bible in the very first chapter He talks of them: And God said, "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years" - Genesis 1:14

Yeah, so...well eclipse isn't directly mentioned, but the sun and the moon are clearly used to mark signs and sacred (sacra=holy) times. Even the most lost and God-hating of us seem to use terms like "end times" and "tribulation" like please and thank you. Can this eclipse be God talking to us? If so, what is He saying???

Fortunately for us, these are astronomical forces and have been traced for thousands of years. We know the dates that these things happen. What I find most peculiar is the fact that 99 years ago was the last time we had a full solar eclipse. The next one comes in 7 years. Seven years!?!?!? Now there is a number for you, God's number of completion, and the number given to the amount of years of the Great Tribulation on earth.

Prophecy tells us that the shit really hits the fan after 3.5 years. I find that interesting because that is about the amount of time left before a 2nd Trump term as POTUS. But I digress...this second solar eclipse seven years later also covers the US from coast to coast, but in the opposite direction. What I find most fascinating about this is the fact that the two paths cross hairs like the sight on a rifle. But where do these two meet?

Kinda scary! Not only is this the American Heartland and a relatively small radius away from covering half of America's industrial might, but you'll see that the Mississippi River also meets the Ohio River in the immediate path. Take into consideration the amount of drilling (i.e. fracking) that continues to go on. Then think about the fact that the New Madrid Seismic Zone, which spans southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, western Kentucky, and southern Illinois and is the most active earthquake zone east of the Rocky Mountains.

Even R.E.M. says "that's great it starts with an earthquake..." when harmonising over the end of the world. And it should come as no big surprise as Hollywood and the global elite like to tell us what is happening according to their numerology and Jewish Cabal. I am not going to go too deep or give a Bible lesson here, but it goes far past selective ignorance to deny that God's plan is unfolding in front of us. There will always be mockers, but my hope is that as many as possible "Get Right" with God and humble themselves, for as in all things, God is calling us home and to accept his free gift of salvation through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

People, whether you consider yourselves saved or not, religious or not - check out this "potential" scenario. And please don't get me wrong, this is no doom & gloom post, this is positive. We are getting closer to the return of a King - The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Don't believe the lies, that's all the Devil has. And he has his minions, too. Not all shall be saved, but God gave ALL the opportunity to be His children. So, take this eclipse as Mom coming outside and telling you it's time to come home, because you don't want to be left out at "Supper Time".

I say this because the Devil has divided the world. Most people still see things as black vs. white, right versus left and so on. It's really too bad. It's all about Jesus, gang. God gave Him up to die in place of your sins, but you gotta just believe. It's the only thing in the world that seems too good to be true, but actually is.

Imagine that an earthquake or some man-made terror (e.g. 911, nuke) were to hit the US heartland like that. The country would flood and millions would die. Is the intersection of these two eclipse paths something bigger than the next Hollywood disaster flick, or could there be something more to it and that God is trying to get our attention?

Many know God to be long-suffering, and that Jesus will come again. That date, we don't know, but remembering Genesis 1:14, some of the most important information of our lifetimes could be there for the taking. And if it all starts with an earthquake (also biblical), then these 7 years between eclipses could mark the Great Tribulation, knowing that scripture says at the 3.5 year mark the world literally goes to hell, especially if you live in that zone, should this type of fictional, though plausible, scenario come to pass.

But more importantly, people we need to behold what we see, and stop listening to the lies on TV, movies, music, academia and even the Church itself at times (e.g. Joel Osteen and other purveyors of false doctrine). Jesus is coming back to conquer. Those who don't believe have that right, so consider this my own "what if" scenario to paint a picture for those who simply don't or refuse to get it.