Meaningless Comments/Spam

in #steemit7 years ago

I know this is not going to go well with some. But I am getting sick and tired of meaningless comments. I actually prefer bot comments to the recent wave of crappy unrelated comments/spam.

great post
nice post
keep it up

Please do not comment with something unrelated to the topic. I am very tolerant and support people posting about anything they want. But do it on your own topic, do not spam your silly meaningless comments in other people's topics. It will not do you any good.

Encouraging conversation is one thing, but before you make a comment, please think, is it a conversation starter? a comment related to the topic? or just something generic you can say on any topic? if it's the last, please think twice about doing it.


People are just posting comments on steemit for the sake of getting upvotes. Now, I am also experiencing more user than bots who're posting random comment on my post. The comment which has nothing to do with my post are just unbearable. Minnows are really struggling nowadays on steemit to get some upvotes and earn some money. i don't know when this madness will end.

i don't know when this madness will end.

  1. When the BTC price moons again & Steem is rides on its coat-tails.
  2. When community builders stop selling Steemit as the next best thing since sliced bread & the latest get rich quick on the blockchain scheme.
    We've promised the minnows Haagen_Dasz but now they should be happy with a dessert of Walls or popsciles.

Diana Krall at Neil Armstrong's funeral.

Why would he need a microphone when he's in a spacesuit...

Because sound travels so well in space...

NASA - Never A Straight Answer ! Founded by the Nazi's

great post

It will be very difficult to reduce the meaningless comments as everyone is incentivized to comment as much as possible with the hopes of earning steem.

quality comments reward better ;)

Darn straight, we minnows are getting KILLED out there. The only option is to pay real $$$ for steems, which is now fine due to price drop, lolz. But I think we can all agree that the main post graphic is backwards and the blahs are normally coming for the chick - HA !!!ducks!!!

Yep . totally agreed mate. We minnow are just getting squeezed here like a fish. For a post, a lot of hard work is needed alongwith proper marketing, otherwise you know what would we get on our posts.

How do I know if I am a minnow that is getting squeezed or not? I am still trying to figure out what all this stuff means. :)

take for instance my mom joke thread here:

It fell off the front page in THREE SECONDS. Never to be seen again unless I pay actual money. This system is a little skewed.

Yeah, That also happened to me many times over. My posts generally remains on 'new' page for a minute and then it vanishes. I had to go for marketing my stuff after getting tired.

Isn't the marketing more about building your network (and/or community, however you choose to see it)? I was aghast when I joined and saw the new posts page - how on earth was I going to wade through that to find any posts of value to me? But then I took more of the same approach I would take to going in a pub - I said hello to someone I knew, had a look at who was joining in the conversation in his posts, followed a couple of them and where I had something to say, joining the conversation on their posts. Only been here three days, so I don't know how it's going to pan out, but I would guess some will become a core part of the network, some more peripheral and some (probably the vast majority) will come and go. I think the received wisdom is a ratio of 1:9:99.

Funny, cause your Mom said something similar to me actually ;)

HAR! I was on a trip or would have responded sooner.

Successful sites focus on traffic and engagement and do not have people who criticize what everyone else is doing.

I think what we are experiencing is people learning how to use the system, and a lack of functionality to filter out a bit of the Spam. I think it will work out.

Personally, I would rather see engagement, and this meme is in fun. :)

damn right! I will take it one step further .. I think a retraction/apology is in order ! ;-)

@whatsup if Steemit is the social media "society" of the future, then spam filters are the keepers of the peace. It isn't meant to punish with an iron fist, it just tries to preserve an ecosystem where the majority of users can enjoy.

When building a model airplane, some people prefer a kit with all of the pieces, and others want a block of wood and a knife. Creating rules of engagement that accommodate both is critical.

Typically half the content on a site isn't instruction manuals, etiquette guides, cheerleading, brand building, complaining, etc., about said site. Twitter would be a different place if telling people how Twitter works or complaining about not being retweeted or how people who misspell words was a way to turn a quick buck from new users. But this is still beta, kinks are bound to happen, and not all of them will be labeled NSFW

@joseph I agree and disagree.

I agree that the two word "nice post" comments are lame. The one exception is @ionlysaymeep.

I disagree becase if you look at my comment history, my comments cover a lot of different topics. Some are longer, some are shorter (depending on the quality of the OP). One might think that I only comment for the reward, but that is not the case. I like Steemit for one reason: diversity. Where else can you such a broad range of topics in a compressed form? (Please don't say BuzzFeed....) It gets me to think outside of my perspective.

At the end of the day, a post with little effort/substance should get little reward, and so should the comments. Considerate curation helps, but there need to be some systemic changes that disincentivize spammy minnow/plankton behavior.

Totally agree with you! I am the same way, so to say that on one post I comment "keep it up" doesn't mean that I'm just doing it for the upvotes or to get followers because I commented, I just truly mean it even if it's short. I'm not going to write a super long comment on everything I like, although a lot of the times I do lol, because I just wouldn't have the time. What I don't like is when people simply ask if I could follow and they don't even comment anything about what I posted on. :/

I agree and disagree as well. There are a lot of posts that I don't really understand but that someone put in a lot of time and effort to make and if I manage to get through the whole post and still don't understand but know that once I get more knowledgeable on the subject (like cryptocurrency) things will make more sense to me... for those types of posts I generally comment something like "great post, wish I understood it more" or "nice post, someday I hope to make more sense of it" and I don't see anything wrong with those comments but I also don't expect to be up voted at all.

Now don't get me wrong, those of us that type a "nice post" or "great post" type comment shouldn't be expecting an up vote for those comments but we should be able to say those comments without feeling like we are doing something wrong.

When you don't really understand the post, either because its on something you don't quite get (again like cryptocurrency for myself) or perhaps its in a language you don't understand but the pictures within it kind of give you an idea of what the post is about, then really the only comment you can make, if you even make one at all, should be "nice post" or "good post" because you can't really say anything else if you didn't really understand it.

Of course that is just my opinion. :D

I agree with you. Thanks for putting into perspective for this guy. Now I can't say nice comment cuz people on Steem get pissed off. They need to chill with all the taboo rules of steemit that is not written anywhere on the welcome page. It will turn off a lot of new users n this will just become a blog forum backed by blockchain. I would hate for Steem to be squeezed into this category, because of nitpicky users.

"Taboo rules of Steemit" couldn't be any more accurate! If there are no terms of service that specifically prohibit these actions, there can be no blame. Sure people can look down their noses, but this is the interwebs, where far worse happens in every corner.

My original comment is this: I agree and disagree with OP. I

I agree with you. And if you just say ,, nice post'' or ,,good job'', a person at least know that you're visit his or her post. It's like in real life when somebody in the store or on parking lot say to you : nice day and you reply : yes indeed. You feel good about this and also on steemit if somebody leave a comment on my post like this I'm glad. Sometimes two words are better than 100 upvotes from curation trail. At least in my opinion.

If it is brief but topical, I am all about that. If it is "hi, visit my page", I have no love for that. Engagement is always better than mindless curation IMO.

Exactly. :D

Lol. Just be consistent, you'll be alright!

So the nice post comments and follow me comments are spammy behavior? That's good to know. I get enough spam in my email. Now I like to take pics and post pics and sometimes I don't say much about the photos, but I do post some helpful writing tips for aspiring authors. I was hoping that would benefit people who are thinking about writing and just need a little encouragement or advice to help them work harder and produce better content.

Rightly put, these short comments mostly have positivity in them, like appreciation, acknowledgement, gratitude, etc so it shouldn't be viewed as steemit real estate being wrongly occupied

That's because our newest witness is telling people to comment spam and upvote themselves to make millions on Steemit !!!

That's because our newest witness is telling people to comment spam and upvote themselves to make millions on Steemit !!!

Along with the social media miners.

Yes , their goes the idea of the best witnesses get the most votes , famous witnesses will get more.
Yes yes , I hope Jerry pumps Steem very well , cause I don't believe this is a fundamental good coin , so I can get rid of my Steem on a good price. We can only hope many wealthy people come on board and Power Up. Saying this in the moral of this post.

lol at your comment, good luck

lol hate is real. @jerrybanfield brought so many users to the platform. He is doing a great job researching and educating others. I would advise to learn from him instead of bashing.

I agree. You can love his way of teaching and preaching or hate it, but I truly believe that @jerrybanfield is in it to help Steemit grow. It's partially because of him, directly or indirectly, that Steemit has a great deal of new users.

Shamefully true.

but this guys is helping the community and he is doing his best to help people to earn on steemit, I earned a lot from him, he is not saying on the video that people have to spam, he is talking about upvoting your own post !

He said upvoting own comments, not post and he said it about 6 times in a row. Anyway he was new so steem and it's true he's going an amazing job at bringing people in.
Using the reward as a mean to attract people is bad overall.

Using the reward as a mean to attract people is bad overall.

Yes, @transisto
It keeps the monetisation of social right up on the top of mind.

In the end though Steemit wont grow without proper incentive.

the idea of steemit is to reward !

I think its still a little shady! I mean come on, paying for witness votes and telling people to upvote all they write, I get an ugly feeling that if everybody did it this

You mean like randowhale?

we need more generous people like him, instead of stingy hoarders. Fist show you can do better, before you criticize others' generousity. Respectfully disagree ;)

Exactly! What if everybody just did that? I mean everybody.

hi sir i need ur help for ranking me. ur 1 vote give me a chance to upgrade rank


LOl! Is this one of those bot?

Is there a lol!fuckoff bot? Now that's a good idea. Who knows how to make bots?

Well, he's not a top 50 witness yet so just a backup at best =/

hi sir i need ur help for ranking me. ur 1 vote give me a chance to upgrade rank

If you can convince me this was satire, you'll get it!


Edit: wait I should add a few more characters here to avoid the bot 😁

I almost spit out all of my breakfast, and you totally made my fucking day with this comment mate!

Ugh wtf this guy's face is everywhere and everything that comes out of it triggers me. Mute

It's $1.70 now, so now's a good time to buy in.

Hahaha! This dufus is hurting BAD right now. The trend lines show cryptocurrencies going back to April 2017 prices. Some millionaire essentially pump and dumped all crypto in June. I'll buy steem when it's back to being $0.10

fuck off comments nazi!

.. lol .. how do you like that?

This post is little more than a shitty comment posing as a post .. but wow... it still earned $ 200 + ?? ...

pffft .. the crypto-universe is on fire, we're sliding under $1.00 and you have your panties in a know about fkn comments !!??

Yup, that's why I wrote my How To Lose Friends post, it really is getting out of hand.


its only going to get worse, thousands of new people are joining each day, with intro posts talking about how they need money, or they comment under posts with the same lines, over and over again, its maddening

You are right, a lot of people are spaming like crazy and thinking that they will suceed on steemit like that, I hate that and I especially understand that because I converted two my big facebook group into steemit groups, this why I have very strict rules to post there, I feel sorry that is no block button on steemit, I usually mute such people !

You can mute - but you have to follow them first! then you will see the mute button.

that's not true, I am not following you but I see the mute button, but I will not mute you ☺

Good news for you @clixmoney. Click on their name and hit the mute button. I hope that made your day.

it will not made my day, it will just save my time and I will not lose it with reading empty comments !

Fair enough. I just feel differently.

How did you convert facebook groups into steemit groups? I have some with over 600 members and my own page I have 4500 friends. I thought it would be cool if I could connect them somehow. This site has more meaningful content than Facebook and I think it could grow pretty large if people use it for the right reasons.

contact me here and we can talk about that :

I agree not to comment without any sense but it's easy for you coz you have a lot of steem power and can do as you like. The rest of us who do not have the power we can only comment on and hope someone will upvoat our coment for a few cents. Pretty much as I now hope that somebody will upvoat this comment. steem on bitches :)

There you go, my friend.

Well if that's your reply to the OP then I guess you didn't get it, being a minnow with low steem power isn't an excuse for commenting on a post with the words of great post or thanks or follow me back or upvote my comment or things like that :)
Keep on steeming bitchachos :)

How do you know that these crappy comments are not from bots?
I made an experiment with one of my other accounts.
I posted in LATIN (and other rare languages).

a few minutes later i had comments like "good post" and "nice"

you do not, I meant the earlier bots comments with useful links, sorry I assumed people knew about the early days of bot comments.

lol you still remember

Wang is missed for sure! :D

Yea what happened to wang? I was asking about wang couple weeks ago didn't get an answer.

Priceless. I think I may try that. Though the question is, should I flag those types of responses or will that end up backfiring. Hmmm.

Ut Lorem ac enim win!!

Now that is funny. I did get some people who tried to comment in a meaningful way to some things I posted and their English was pretty bad so I figured they were real and just trying their best to say something that is not in their primary language. I love the fact that there are people from all around the world here. I read tons of interesting things every day. In short, I really like this site.

Yes, for the people like me, whose native language isn't english this place has one extra benefit - we can improve significantly communication skills with english speaking audience. Probably sometimes this can annoy "aborigens" but difference in culture backrgound can realy help both sides " to think out of box "

I like be the international feel to this site.

Please don't hate my comment, because I need to disagree with you.
First of all you started a lame topic that has been brought up ton of time. Because you are a dolphin or whale and have dolphin whale friends, this post earning decent.
It is not fair to bash on minnows who leave lame comments and even advocating flags for something that can easily be ignored.
You were new at one time yourself.
As many more new users will be joining the community for years to come, these kinds of generic comment will be part of all topics.
Part of the issue is desperation for attention, so they just spam those lines whenever possible, just to be part of potential reward, not realizing it is actually hurting them.
Eventually everybody learns that it has not benefit for them and they stop.
So, don't hate show some love. We need to educate new users instead of bashing and flagging.

Steemit won't be here for "years to come" if the setup here doesn't allow minnows to see any success. The little fish will leave from discouragement and the big fish will cash out. This ought to not be. It would be a shame.

The little fish will leave from discouragement and the big fish will cash out.

Well said, @amarie

I sort of agree. At the same time little fish need to put in some hard work, instead of seeking easy money. Only thing killing steem I see, at this time, is emergence of a competitor with something better to offer.

Agreed. Little fish need to put in some hard work. I'm one of those little fish that put in the hard work. I don't agree that only a competitor could kill Steemit (not Steem), as the platform is dependent on users, right?

Steem is the platform. Steemit is a website. You can use Steem platform via, chainBB, or eSteem app. That's why I just call it Steem.
True, platform depends on users. But look around online, plenty of people using other social media platforms for 0 rewards. As people get introduced to steem, joining is no brainer.

True. Other social sites people use for free, but people are not likely to do that here because the precedent has already been set to expect to be paid. And the problem comes in when people see others making so much money and then look at their wallets and see the wealth and then they get angry and discouraged when they're contributing just as much or more but aren't making anything much.

It is my guess that people join Steemit the website for the possibility of getting Steem first and an outlet for their blogging/socializing second.

But, I do believe it's all going to work out. My prediction is that future hardforks will fix some things. I think they are just wanting to get as many people on the site as possible right now, which is a good thing.

I am totally dumb about how this thing works, but I am slowly figuring stuff out.