Introducing Steemporium!!

and myself have been hard at work on a project, that we are proud to finally announce to the fine members of Steemit.
A Steemit exclusive storefront.

will be providing to you, a plethora of merchandise designed for Steemit users....
by Steemit users.
The products that will be available at launch include;
Tee-Shirts, Hoodies, Posters, Stickers, Tapestries, Canvas Prints, Mugs, Pillows, Beach Towels and iPhone cases.
All of which, will be available to purchase with the steem and SBD you've earned here on Steemit, as seen in the video below...
This platform is about to grow, the community is about to grow.
We seek to assist the pioneers here in firmly establishing themselves before that moment occurs.
That's right, we've not forgotten about you.
Steemporium is for both artists and musicians alike.
has a section dedicated for musicians also.

Instead of being offered merchandise with artist designs printed on them, visitors will be able to preview and purchase downloadable MP3s that have been submitted to us for sale.
we will be working with
as well as a few others,
to help reach out to many of you and make our store available to you for your distribution needs.
for updates!
Please Resteem This Post!
will open for business

An excellent step forward for our community! Full supported and UPVOTED!
I think I'll even resteem this tomorrow for added exposure!
how do I make big text like yours? also, how long before everyone just starts catching on and using big text like your comment? does it show up on mobile r is this just for desktop? and the big txt wont show up on chainBb or right?
you have to write (#)keyboardspace(hello) without the brackets so..
you can put up to 6 (#) so..
on mobile app it doesnt show strangely but it does in the preview i believe lol
on busy it should ... on desktop it works generally problem is with mobiles..
For the support and the RS.
I'm so excited I cant even handle it!!
that dog is almost as excited as me...... steemit lingerie line coming soon?
omg yes yes yes
hahaha accurate! I am THIS excited too.
Me too.
Me too
stop spamming
is that doggie suffering from steemit addiction..
Hell yeah! Great day for the STEEM ecosystem! Excellent work men. Resteemed!
We aim to please!
Love the Logo, Great work you guys!
Your Steemporium image is awesome! ... here it is again !! (-:

Whoop ! As the designer of the logo, I was looking for this ! Not dissapointed. Thank you for liking it !
Is that a laser gun of sorts? When can we buy one using Steemporium? :)
haha it is, and I'm not sure, might be some liability issues with selling ray guns on a website
Have you seen this already? Kind of related :) Check the 7 minutes mark
Next - power armor suit from Fallout :)
holy shit thats an amazing tazer!

I KNOW this will be HUGE on kickstarter! if u sold this as a toy like for adults it would be HUGE people would DEFINATLY buy this thing, it has these amazing dials and lights and a lcd screen with crazy info about the voltage, and it has this water cooled backpack thing man so dangerous but is the ultimate DIY toy that you really cant sell! u cant make money selling this in most countries where it would be worth it , so u have to Build it yourself!
Yep, it's really cool and it seems that you can touch the rays so not that dangerous. Maybe the creator would be willing to share the build plans.
That looks awesome 😮😍.
Well done!
he copped that style from The way Thing Work!! remember that 90s CDROM?

And the S looks too much like a confederate flag! You should probably change the colors! might trigger someone! :D wel maybe it will be ok
This is agreat idea and i cant wait for the raffle bot!!!!!
I am resteeming!
Thanks for the RS @ackza :)
yeah i hope i helped ur post ad those extra dollars over the $300 mark!
Wow 😍😍😍 I have no idea how that was made but I love it.
Good ideas. "This platform is about to grow, the community is about to grow.". Cheers :)
I would like to support your projects which help support the growth of some of the amazing talent that can be found on Steemit.
@jonny-clearwater I can't believe this moment has finally arrived.
Thanks for including me in the mix, even though I can't center-align objects. Otherwise I'd still be banging my head against the wall, making weird animated gifs XD
Thanks @overkillcoin for joining us on this adventure!
Well done @jonny-clearwater
I am so excited about this man. You guys have done a great job. I am very VERY proud to be a featured artist on the site and that you had such faith in me that you had me design BOTH the Steemporium logo AND the Steemstreams logo. Thanks for the opportunity man. Up Up & Away. Full Steem Ahead !
You are a BIG PART of it! Thanks for be an amazing talent. Looking forward to having many great things happen as we go!
Thanks man. Much appreciated. Looking forward to those things as well.
You have my respect.
thanks man !
Dudes. This is the most insanely brilliant thing I've ever seen. Resteemed. Congrats and wishing you huge success. I'm gonna Steemporium so hard.
Thanks @condra :)
You gunna Steemporium just Soooo SOOO hard aren't cha ? lol
Oh my, this is awesome! Such quality marketing, by the way. These animated logos (Steemporium and Steemstreams) are super cool. Just perfect.
Thanks, we tried to make it organic and full of quality appreciate you feedback and support!