Hots or Shots Steem Silver Round Contest Winner!

First off I'd like to thank everyone that participated in the
Hots or Shots
Steem Silver Round Giveaway!!
We had some great entries and it wasn't easy to pick a winner.
After some deliberation though, @sevinwilson and I have agreed on who to give this gorgeous coin to.

And the winner is....

To win this amazing coin
@poeticsnake had to answer these three questions from
Hots or Shots
Episode 7
1.If you could outlaw any one thing, what would it be and why?
2.What is the most routine thing you do?
3.What are three things you NEVER want to do again?
Her winning replies were....
1.If you could outlaw any one thing, what would it be and why?
*This is a real easy question for me! The first and only thing that pops up in my mind that I would love to outlaw would be socks in sandals! When I see it, my head starts to spin, and I want to hammer my fist against the person who is doing it! YOU CAN"T wear socks in sandals! They are open shoes for a reason! In saying this, I think we should outlaw sandals as a whole! Even writing these words down makes my blood boil! I don't understand it! Why would you even try...! Please, people, let's make Snekky happy and stop wearing your bloody socks in your sandals! Pretty please!! Thank you!
2.What is the most routine thing you do?
*The most routine thing I do is waking up every single morning and nag, complain, scream that I don't want to wake up until I had my first coffee. I walk to my machine with my eyes closed and hardly even notice that I am brewing the life elixir until I taste the first sip and life becomes beautiful again! Coffee is life, coffee is my fuel, and there is no way in hell that I would be able to wake up without this amazing dark and steaming cup of happiness.
3.What are three things you NEVER want to do again?
*I will never get into a rollercoaster again! NOPE, NEIN NEVERS AGAIN! Why.... Why do people want me to get into them? I know why.. They love hearing me scream that I am going to die and almost puke my brain out!
*I refuse to ever put a Brussels sprout into my mouth again! TORTURE! WTF is that little green ball that makes me think I am eating leprechaun stuff and tastes like a one-way ticket to never have any tastebuds left! Some people try to hide them in my food, sliced up or covered in a sauce but they fail! I sniff them out everywhere like a bloodhound on a hunt!
*I never want to help someone out in a book store to find books about spiders and end up holding this person SUPER HUGE, SCARY, HAIRY, IDIOTIC, JUST BOUGHT IN THE ANIMAL STORE, FREAKING, FUCKING WOLFF SPIDER! I mean it! I never want to do that again! This person walked into the store I was working and he wanted my help! I found him the book he wanted to have and right before he was going to pay and leave he decided to thank me by pulling this HUGE, and I mean HUGE spider in a little plastic box from his bag and push it into my hand. The darn spider must have felt that I was about to either pee in my pants, shit in my pants or die a most horrible dead right in the middle of the store, so he decided to start jumping in his little plastic thing against my hand. FUCK OFF!!!! I stood there, trying not to look like a complete and total, losing it all and letting all body juices flow statue and said: "wow, nice spider!" JUST NO! He paid, I threw the spider back at him and ran towards the bathroom! Never again, just go away, leave me alone!! GO!
Great job
Thanks again to everyone that played and a big thanks to everyone supporting our show!
New episode airs Thursday...Stay Tuned!
Steem On!

This was well deserved @poeticsnake! Congratulations on winning! Your entry was incredible!!
I am glad the #SteemSilverGold community was able to help sponsor this contest!
OMG OMG! I am really so happy! You have no idea ((Runs around screaming bloody fire and sing three happy songs bloody nekked before typing again)) Thank you so so much! Both of you who picked me made my day totally awesome!
Excuse me while I go and get myself arrested on the streets for being out of my mind happy!
He made mind-blowing answers of your pretty queations @jonny-clearwater and congratulations to @poeticsnake keep it up
Woohoo congratulations and now let’s talk about some of these responses lol
I'm in
Congratulation for the winners, @poeticsnake very good job, you did the best in narrating the answer briefly and success for inserting the logical statement.
@jonny-clearwater I just found you and your contest are awesome. Let me know, how I can join your contest?
strive not to be a success,but rather to be of value..
I would outlaw flies
Hate the disturbance
Yay for Snekky!!!! Super excited for you, sweets! Enjoy that shiny gift. You totally deserve it. :)