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RE: Well, it's good to be first?
Hiding behind down-voting does not take care of underlying problem. Really hope the big boys put their big panties on, come swooping in to the rescue...

Hiding behind down-voting does not take care of underlying problem. Really hope the big boys put their big panties on, come swooping in to the rescue...
Hiding, and being evasive, are only necessary if you are outgunned or in this case, unable to defend against the things being put at ya, right?
So basically, copping out is copping out. An adult, mature, experienced CEO would handle his business, not make himself look ridiculous by being evasive.
Too many false promises being made of late, business ethics appear to have lost moral compass.
When offered assistance/advice any business should actively look into immediately. KYC policy adopted or people leave.
Working with public especially where finance is implemented answers can only come from the top, then trickle down.
All of that is true.