CoronaVirus - My Process from Home
Hello everyone, I am again coming here to write and share with you all my life through this lines.
These days have been like crazy. With all this CoronaVirus thing all the world have colapsed and alll humans are being isolated at home. Here in Mexico also things are escalating like in other countries and people are bieng infected very quickly, but hey, you already know what is happening out there and I am not going to feed bad news, all I want is to share my process here; my realisations and my thoughts on these 40 days.
I am very fortunate that my company really moved themselves to give us the oportunity to be at home.
I work at a Service Desk call center and the people in the US were directed to work from home before us and we had to go out to the offices here in my city to continue working from the building even thou we were in Mexico living the beginning of the infections, and I was very worried due to this cause I live with my mom and I she could be infected due to me.
But things evolved "quickly" through the days and we were directed to work from home also.
I have been working here since last Monday and has been very cool to be here at home taking care of my mom and having these moments to again share time with them
...Planet Earth is taking a breath...
I would never imagine to live this experience, all the world has stopped and within that the Planet Earth is taking a breath from us all.
I like this a lot cause Nature, Animals and the Environment is healing. I hope human beings can all see the healing process and can do a lot of research within themselves to realise how much pain we do to Earth.
Like I said I am very happy here at home, I am not bored at all. I have time to heal myself from last year toxic moments I have created to myself and also to take care of my physical body doing excercise and eating cleanear.
Realisations in relation to Life
The other day I had to go out to paint a wall outside my house and to go to the shop near my house to get groceries; my mind started gossiping and back chatting about me stepping outside and possibly getting infected and I started with fear.
I began to stop myself and I took a big breath realising that I am having fears about life itself due to all the paranoia in the social media and the news from the Government. I saw that I was participating in fear towards others so I took a breath and I stop fearing and I enjoyed my day outside, realising that for me it is another day same as others becuase out side the computer/internet, here, in this moment Coronavirus didnt existed. In my near environment I don't see people getting sick, so Here, is not "infected" with that belief.
Of course, I have to take care of myself and have common sense in having my areas well cleaned and follow the recomendations of washing my hands and not touching my face and have a considerate distance between me and others when I go out but I see that people is getting very rude against others and thinking that others are enemies due to being possible infected by something that is at this moment - for me at least - that no one in my reality is infected - something that is an illusion and not real.
Hi! Did you know that is now censoring users and posts based on their opinions?
All the posts of these users are gone!
Here's a list of some banned users:
'roelandp', 'blocktrades', 'anyx', 'ausbitbank', 'gtg', 'themarkymark', 'lukestokes.mhth', 'netuoso', 'innerhive'
See anyone you recognize? There could be more, they also have a remote IP ban list.
Will you be censored next?