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RE: Introducing @KeiserReport: We go nuts for Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago

Awesome shout out to 2 million subscribers on YouTube! More proof we will absolutely see a $10 Steem price within 7 months!


BAD JERRY! Steem has a HUGE issue that needs to be fixed first. "THE SIGN UP PROCESS!" I told all my YT subscribers to come here and I was flooded with emails complaining that they couldn't sign up or that the password given to them didn't work. So they left discouraged.

As someone who has been in marketing, first impressions are HUGE and you don't get a second chance at it. Steemit needs to fix this yesterday and they don't even seem to be worried about it.

Wouldnt it be marvelous if we had some small signal that mgmt at steemit actually gave a damn and/or knew what they were doing? Marketing, marketing, marketing. Step one - set some marketing goals. Step two - set a marketing budget to achieve the goals. Step three - execute. Step four -repeat

Add to the issues of some waiting weeks to get a email being accepted, a much better set of day 1 instructions to understand this platform (the learning curve is hard), the conflict on which set of instructions is right (upvote all day vs 10 a day for 100%), the length of time for full power votes to recharge, an easier way to locate folks. When you are talking about bringing over right at 50,000 subscribers from YT to steemit there needs to be a 1-2 steps move for a smoother transition.

wow, that's amazing to me, i signed up pretty easily i mean it took them a couple days to allow me to create my account but i had no problems. I also came here on the recommendations of a youtuber and i haven't really made any money at it yet but i'm trying to post and comment as much as possible and i am just hoping that people like my posts and my page grows. Definitely think steemit is a great platform and my experience has been nothing but positive except for that fact that i've only made about 2$ so far lol

I have similar experience. I persuaded 4-5 friends to join , but when they did not get the Sign up even in 1 week , and I told them to go in chat and ask for help, they denied saying : if this is the beginning, then what is that going to happen moving forward ?

So I am also waiting for the login process to be fixed, so that I can bring more and more creative people here. I even raised a question (if you see my comments in my profile), but I was told, its working as expected.

@davebrewer Thats because there is no Steemit MNGMT and there is no steemit marketing team just like Bitcoin doesnt have a marketing team! WE ARE steemit marketing team! And @jerybanfield is the leader of steemit marketing group....steemit is decentralized! they dont HAVE a marketing director! and the small group of official steemit inc "employees" are just incorporated due to some US law, it's just symbolic, its up to all of us steemit users to advertise! no offense but I see many noob comments JUST like yours and u are coming off sounding like a spoiled millennial! You must REALIZE that WE are the maketing team!

BUT HEY about the need for marketing I AGREE we need more and I am doing my part and I know I have to do more! m right theer with you! but we cant expect a decntraized autonmous organization to be doing things a centralized company does, thats like asking why the BITCOIN management ! But look, when u do steemit ads and pay for them yourself and show steemit, steemit will end up paying back in form of upvotes! its a community driven organization!

Please rtead my blog pots if you want to see what Im talking about, see how I advertise steemit on Instagram and facebook and twiotter?? See how @jerrybanfield advertises steemit using his youtube ca,paign here? he uses the money from his upvotes to PAY for the Youtube ad campaign and then makes a post about the resuilts and repeats! its genius! a self funding youtube steemit ad money feedback loop!!!
Heres the Video of @jerrybanfield explaining steemit to his 192,000 subscribers

I got like $40 for this photo (among many others) of me holding a sign made by @monkimo while we visited comic con few weeks ago in san diego (where we live0 and we went JUST to promote steemit and walk around with our sign!

I will be making another one fo these signs for myself (it was @monkimo 's ) and I will be holding it at busy intersections to promote steemit handing out steemit brochures and $1 bills to people like a REVERSE homeless person hahaha

and i will go to the beach on a busy day and just stand thre promoting steemit to people i will even get a Table and have signs and brochures and show people how to signup on steemit etc, Ill also have a BITCOIN sign and Show people how to use Bitcoin as well to REALy get p[eoples atention!

Welcome, be productive, prosper

just flag him hes been a huge fomo. I'm also sure bitcoin will be 50k this year. :D and 500k in the next one, no fomo there.

Is there really a sign-up problem, or is it a problem with the people that were not able to sign up. I had no issues with signing up, my wife had no problems with signing up, and thousands of other people in the month of july had no problems signing up. So where is the sign up problem occurring? On this end, or the other end? I have a hard time understanding this so called issue. How can it be a problem when so many people have successfully followed the instructions and are now participating on steem-it?

That's quite a prediction Jerry. Based on what exactly?

I'd also like to know this. @jerrybanfield I've seen you and others mention this $10 Steem price before and I'm really curious to hear what the prediction is based on.


Or $100 or $1,000 LOL I think it's crazy how the price of Steem has stayed so stable!!! @JerryBanfield will you please check out the post I made today about how people can make the price of Steem go up?
I think that if the people who are trading BILLIONS of dollars worth of steem read my post I think the price will shoot up because more people will HOLD (: Please let me know what you think Jerry!

Crossing my fingers you are right @jerrybanfield

Very exciting to be on the cusp of all of this change @jerrybanfield

months??? try 7 WEEKS! But yeah man good job @jerrybanfield just imagine when people sell Oil for Bitcoin! The PetroBitcoin! What if they make a Crypto Currency JUST for trading Oil? Petro Coin