Gabbing To Myself About Steemit's Ephemeral Nature
Gabbing To Myself About Steemit's Ephemeral Nature (2017-06-03)
Pontificating Steemit, I was considering my role and goals, observing others and myself, and after promoting my two ignored articles this week on Gab I added a couple more musings...
#Steemit Ephemeral Posts, Forgotten In Time Like Tears In Rain 1of2
Steemit's greatest weakness as a frenzied shoving narcissistic cash grab, whales aren't generous interacting & honestly most isn't that great. Can I fix it? No, but if we don't notice the problems we can't start to find solutions.
#Steemit Ephemeral Posts, Forgotten In Time Like Tears In Rain 2of2
Steemit's overwhelming avaristic nature is corrupting the purpose and content. That's why, despite a few bright lights, Steemit will never become a beacon of wisdom, a fountain of knowledge, or an informative resource. A fork may.
Maybe you agree, maybe you don't.
Maybe I'm out of place or in the wrong place.
Maybe the vice of hypocrisy bothers me too much in a juxtaposing paradoxical contradictory corrupt corporatocratic metaverse making mischief, mayhem, and malarkey.
Or maybe my hopes are just too high.
I'll find it extremely ironic if I laboured hours over long posts that get eclipsed by this little post.
Bonus hashtag: FightElitesNotEachOther
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