True Cause of Cancer is CENSORED Since 1923

in #steemit8 years ago

The primary cause of cancer was officially discovered before 1923, and it received a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931. Very few people in the world know about it, because unfortunately this truth is hidden from the public.

Let’s see if this can get censored on steemit

Otto Heinrich Warburg

TRUTH REVEALED: This is what causes cancer and how to cure it:

In 1931, German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970) received the Nobel Prize for finding the primary cause of cancer. Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is the result of an “anti-human” way of life. Highly acidic pH food intake and body inactivity creates an acidic environment with poor oxygen supply.
Cellular acidity pushes out oxygen, and the lack of oxygen in the cells creates an acidic environment. Dr. Warburg said: "The lack of oxygen and acidity are two sides of the same coin: if there is one, there will be the other."
If you have too much acidity, you will automatically lack oxygen in your body; If you lack oxygen you will have a acidified organism. Acidic environment is an oxygen-free environment.
"If you take a healthy cell and remove 35% of its oxygen, you’ll turn it into a cancer cell in just two days” said Dr. Warburg. "All normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but tumor cells can live without it. This is a rule without exception." The tumor tissues are acidic, while the healthy are alkaline. In his work "Metabolism of the tumor", Dr. Warburg has shown that all carcinogenic forms fulfill two basic conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). He discovered that tumor cells are anaerobic (they do not breathe oxygen) and that they cannot survive in the presence of high oxygen concentrations. Tumor cells can only survive with the help of glucose and in a low oxygen environment. Therefore, cancer is nothing but a defensive mechanism that our cells use to survive in an acidic environment without the presence of oxygen.
Healthy cells live in an alkaline environment full of oxygen, which allows them to function normally. Tumor cells live in an acidic environment with poor oxygen.
Acidity and alkalinity of the organism depend on food. Once the digestive process has been completed, food, depending on its nutritional content, creates conditions of acidity or alkalinity in the body.
Simply put, the alkalinity of an organism depends on what we eat.
The acid or alkaline state is measured by a pH scale of 0 - 14, where 7 is a neutral zone.
0 - 7 is acidic
7 - 14 is alkaline
Our cells, in order to function successfully, should have a slightly alkaline pH (slightly above 7). A healthy persons blood pH is between 7.40 and 7.45. Blood is constantly regulating itself to prevent inflammation in metabolic acidity.
However, some foods acidify blood and pollute the body.

Food that acidifies the body:

  • Refined sugar and all its derivatives. Out of all, it is the worst, because there are no proteins, fats, vitamins or minerals, only carbohydrates that damage the pancreas. Sugar’s pH is 2.1 (very acidic)... and yes artificial sweeteners are just as bad.
  • Refined salt
  • Refined flour and all its derivatives such as pasta, cakes, biscuits, etc.
  • Bread
  • Margarine ("Tastes-Like Butter")
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • All industrial processed and canned foods, containing preservatives, artificial colors, aromas, stabilizers, etc.
  • Antibiotics and generally all medicines

Slightly acidic foods:

  • Meat (all types)
  • Products of animal origin - milk and cheeses, cream, yogurt, etc.

Alkaline foods:

  • All raw vegetables. Even the ones that are sour in taste.
  • Fruits. For example, the lemon inside the body has a very high degree of alkalinity. (Do not be fooled by its very sour taste).
  • Almonds. They are very alkaline.
  • Honey. It has very high alkalinity.
  • Chlorophyll. Green plants contain chlorophyll which is very alkaline.
  • Water. It is important for the production of oxygen. Always be well hydrated, drink water with small sips throughout the day.
  • Exercise. Exercise helps maintain the alkalinity of the body because it gives oxygen to the whole body.
    The sedentary way of life destroys life.

Chemotherapy does not cure, but instead aggravates the acidity of the organism even more.

Chemotherapy acidifies the body to the extent that the body must reach into its last alkaline reserves. In order to neutralize the extreme acidity, the body sacrifices minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) embedded in bones, teeth, limbs, nails and hair. That is the reason we notice changes in people receiving chemotherapy, including hair loss.
Other medicines also aggravate the organism's acidity, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

Correct pH ratio

As emphasized, it is completely impossible for a cancer to appear person who eats healthy, drinks plenty of pure water and exercises.
To feed properly, ensure 60% alkaline nutrition and avoid products that are mostly acidic, such as carbonated drinks, sweets, fast foods.
Do not abuse salt and use it as little as possible.
If you are ill, it is ideal for your diet to be 80% alkaline.
If you have cancer, it is advisable to alkalize your body as much as possible. You can achieve this by using diet, exercise, avoiding stress and extra chlorophyll intake.

Acidified body is the cause of all degenerative diseases.


True, true. Toxicity and deficiency. Also look into the Gerson therapy, and a documentary that explains why laboraties that could reverse cancer in the 1920s through radio therapy were shut down. The documentary is called THRIVE (What On Earth Will It Take?). Well worth your time!

Thank you. I will defiantly add it to my must-watch list

Excellent! I promise you you will not regret your time investment!

Also, thank you very much for the direct link. You rock @ericwoelk !

Welcome, friend! Small effort for me saves lots of searching for you.

This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information, click here!

This post received a 3.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information, click here!

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information, click here!

Upvoted Baby - Yeah if anyone is curious about this look up Rene Caisse and her formula "Essaic" that also cures cancer. There's over 100 cures that work - all of them have been covered up and people still get targeted for spreading real info about them. Good thing we have the internet eh? :)

Thank you @sashadaygame, this is solid gold right here

sounds like I'm going to have to change what i eat.

Not only that, but make sure you exercise regularly

Thank you so much for this great article! Extremely useful and informative!
I am really going to keep this at the back of my mind.

so true.. mate of mine just recovering from prostate pretty much said the doctors told him almost exactly what you wrote !

Glad to hear that! Good doctors are rare these days.

yeah it's quite amazing really !

Nice post. Good to see, that some people are interested in the truth.

The truth is not always visible, and that is why I am here on steemit.

Very cool post ! and I hope even more people will see it! i did leave an upvote!

And will resteem later in the day!

Be well! ;)

Thank you for the support!
Be healthy ;)

Resteemed. Sounds so simple and logical.