is me. But there are no open disputes on my store. I got the store running yesterday and it has been running pretty smoothly. Here is the full list of disputes I've been moderator on, as seen from in my client (only 1):
Ahh, your node was running earlier, but not seeing it now - if your node can remain online for a time, we can try to resend the start of the dispute and perhaps your node will pick it up that way.
None of those load, but I'll keep trying them.
I never shut it down. If you are seeing it go up and down, that's due to my peers dropping in and out.
Have you done a git pull recently, and are running OpenBazaar Server 0.2.5 ? Hopefully, at some point the nodes will connect and these txs will get where they need to go. Thanks for your time & help with this, regards!
Yeah, I'm on the latest version and it's on a raspberry pi. Ports forwarded and everything. I am seeing two out of three disputes. The one that's missing is
.OK, the missing one has been resent. If you can see the disputes, please process them ASAP, thanks again for your help!
Confirmed! The stuck coins are now once more on the move, thank you inertia!
Looks like a bug in OpenBazaar. I managed to close them.